REV. P2.0.0
Whenever the XRT79L71 has been configured to operate in this mode, it will function as the source of both the
34.368MHz clock signal (via the "RxOutClk" output signal) and a Nibble Clock signal (via the "TxNibClk" output
The "System-Side Terminal Equipment" should output the payload data (that is to be transported via the
"outbound" E3 data-stream) in a "Nibble-Parallel" manner via its "E3_Data_Out[3:0]" output pins. The user is
advised to design (or configure) the System-Side Terminal Equipment circuitry such that it will update the data
(via the "E3_Data_Out[3:0]" output pins) upon the rising edge of the "TxNibClk" clock signal (at its
"E3_Nib_Clock_In" input pin) as depicted below in Figure 213.
The XRT79L71 will latch the contents of the "TxNib[3:0]" input pins, upon the third rising edge of the
"RxOutClk" signal following a given rising edge in the "TxNibClk" signal. The XRT79L71 will indicate that it is
processing the very last nibble of a given E3 frame by pulsing its "TxNibFrame" output pin "HIGH" for one
nibble-period. Whenever the System-Side Terminal Equipment detects this pulse at its "Tx_Start_of_Frame"
input pin, then it is expected to begin the transmission of the contents of the very next outbound E3 frame, via
the "E3_Data_Out[3:0]" output (or "TxNib[3:0]" input pins).
The Transmit Payload Data Input Interface block's handling of E3 Overhead bits when configured to
operate in the Nibble-Parallel Mode
In contrast to the DS3 Framing formats (which are "bit-oriented" framing formats), the E3, ITU-T G.832 framing
format is a "byte-oriented" framing format. As a consequence, there will be cases in which the Transmit
Payload Data Input Interface (within the XRT79L71) will be processing an "E3 overhead nibble", and the
"TxOH_Ind" output pin (in this case) DOES have meaning. In "Mode 4" Operation, the XRT79L71 will pulse its
"TxOH_Ind" output pin "HIGH" one nibble-period prior to the instant that it will process a given "Overhead"
nibble within the outbound E3 frame.
Since the "TxOH_Ind" output pin of the XRT79L71 is electrically
connected to the "E3_Overhead_Ind" input pin (of the System-Side Terminal Equipment); whenever the
XRT79L71 pulses its "TxOH_Ind" output pin "HIGH", it will also drive the "E3_Overhead_Ind" input pin (of the
System-Side Terminal Equipment) "HIGH". Whenever the "System-Side Terminal Equipment" detects this pin
toggling "high" it should delay the transmission of the very next E3 payload nibble by one "TxNibClk" clock
Since the E3, ITU-T G.832 Frame consists of overhead bytes (in lieu of overhead nibbles), whenever the
"TxOH_Ind" output pin (of the XRT79L71) pulses "high" it will do so for four (4) consecutive nibble-periods (when
processing the FA1 and FA2 bytes) and it will do so for two (2) consecutive bit-periods, when processing the
remaining five (5) overhead bytes. Therefore, for the E3, ITU-T G.832 framing format, whenever the "System-Side
Terminal Equipment" detects the "TxOH_Ind" output pin being pulled "high", it is expected to (1) continuously
sample the state of the "TxOH_Ind" output pin with each rising edge of "TxNibClk" and (2) to NOT transmit an E3
payload bit (to the Transmit Payload Data Input Interface block) until it samples the "TxOH_Ind" output pin toggling
The Frequency of TxNibClk for E3, Nibble-Parallel Mode Operation
In contrast to that for the DS3 framing formats, for E3 Applications (both ITU-T G.832 and ITU-T G.751 framing
formats) the frequency of the TxNibClk clock signal is exactly one-fourth of the frequency of the "RxOutClk"