8. Clock Generation Circuits
Pin Status in Wait Mode
Table 8.6
Pin Status in Wait Mode
Exiting Wait Mode
Wait mode is exited by the hardware reset, NMI interrupt or peripheral function interrupts.
When the hardware reset or NMI interrupt, but not the peripheral function interrupts, is used to exit wait mode,
set bits ILVL2 to ILVL0 for the peripheral function interrupts to 000b (interrupt disabled) before executing the
WAIT instruction.
The CM02 bit setting in the CM0 register affects the peripheral function interrupts. When the CM02 bit is set to
0 (peripheral function clock does not stop in wait mode), all peripheral function interrupts can be used to exit
wait mode. When the CM02 bit is set to 1 (peripheral function clock stops in wait mode), the peripheral
functions using the peripheral function clock do not operate. Therefore, the peripheral function interrupts
cannot be used to exit wait mode. However, the interrupts generated by the peripheral functions clocked by the
external clock, fC32, or f2n (its count source is the XIN clock or on-chip oscillator clock) can be used to exit
wait mode.
The CPU clock, used when exiting wait mode by the peripheral function interrupts or NMI interrupt, is the
same CPU clock used when the WAIT instruction is executed.
Table 8.7 shows interrupts to exit wait mode and usage conditions.
Table 8.7
Interrupts to Exit Wait Mode and Usage Conditions
Single-Chip Mode
Maintain the state immediately before entering wait mode
When fC selected
Continue to output the clock
When f8, f32 selected
Continue to output the clock when the CM02 bit in the CM0
register is set to 0 (peripheral clock does not stop in wait
The clock is stopped and holds the level immediately before
entering wait mode when the CM02 bit is set to 1 (peripheral
clock stops in wait mode).
When CM02 = 0
When CM02 = 1
NMI interrupt
Serial I/O interrupt
Available when internal or
external clocks is used
Available when the external clock or f2n (when
XIN clock or on-chip oscillator clock is selected)
Key input interrupt
A/D conversion interrupt
Available in one-shot or
single-sweep mode
Do not use
Timer A interrupt
Timer B interrupt
Available in all modes
Available in event counter mode or when the count
source is fC32 or f2n (when XIN clock or on-chip
oscillator clock is selected)
INT Interrupt
CAN interrupt
Do not use
Intelligent I/O interrupt
Do not use