IEEE 1284-Compatible Parallel Interface Controller
As shown in the register summary tables in
Chapter 4.0
, the CD1284 local CPU interface is made
up of a large array of registers. These registers control all aspects of device behavior; some affect
overall chip operations, and others affect only one channel. Fortunately, most of the registers are
only modified once, during initialization, and rarely modified during normal operation. The
purpose of this chapter is to discuss these aspects, as well as the methods of interacting with the
CD1284 for channel-service needs.
To properly power-up a CD1284, several procedures must be completed. These include device
initialization, programming global functions, and setting channel-specific parameters. In most
cases, initialization routines are executed once; during the overall system boot-up. The following
sections discuss these steps in detail (see
Figure 18 on page 92
for a flow-chart step outline).
Device Reset
The procedures that perform chip reset are normally executed after a power-up, system-wide reset.
The hardware reset control signal, RESET* causes the CD1284 to perform its own internal
initialization. If desired, the driver software can issue a full chip reset before chip initialization
begins. To accomplish this, use the following steps (see
Figure 18
for a flow-chart step outline):
1. Wait for CCR (Channel Command register) to contain 0x00.
The contents of the CCR must be
before a command is issued. This is required to ensure
that any currently executing command has completed before the new one is started. Since this
is probably the first command being written to the CD1284 after power-on initialization, the
CCR is likely to be
, but it is recommended to always check the CCR before writing in a
new command.
2. Set the CAR (Channel Access register) to one of the two serial channels (2 or 3).
This step is required when the parallel channel does not respond to any value written to the
CCR address (this register does not exist in the parallel channel).
3. Write hexadecimal 81 (x
81) to the Channel Command Register (CCR).
This command causes the CD1284 to perform an all-channel and global reset. It causes the
internal RISC processor to begin execution from its power-up reset location. The results are
the same as if the RESET* input is activated. All internal interface registers are cleared, the
FIFOs are flushed, and all channels are disabled.
The full-chip reset command is a special-case CCR operation. Normally, the commands issued
to the CCR affect only the channel selected by the CAR. In this case, the setting of the CAR is
insignificant, but must be set to channel 2 or 3. Unlike other commands issued to the CCR, the
global reset command does not use the clearing of the CCR. Instead, the GFRCR indicates that
the command is complete (see below).
4. Wait for the firmware revision code to be written into the GFRCR.