BufferCRC option is enabled), is held until
the byte counter is read.
3. When a read of the byte counter returns a
count of zero, the previous count was the final
4. RxEvent should be read to obtain a final status
of the frame, followed by a Skip command to
complete the operation.
Note that all RxEvent’s should be processed be-
fore using the byte counter. The byte counter
should be used following a BufEvent when
RxDest or Rx128 interrupts are enabled.
Receive Frame Address Filtering
The CS8920A is equipped with a Destination
Address (DA) filter used to determine which re-
ceive frames will be accepted. (A receive frame
is said to be "accepted" by the CS8920A when
the frame data are placed in either on-chip mem-
ory, or in host memory by DMA). The DA filter
can be configured to accept the following frame
Individual Address Frames:
For all Individual
Address frames, the first bit of the DA is a 0
(DA[0] = 0), indicating that the address is a
Physical Address. The address filter accepts Indi-
vidual Address frames whose DA matches the
Individual Address (IA) stored at PacketPage
base + 0158h, or whose hash-filtered DA
matches one of the bits programmed into the
Logical Address Filter (the hash filter is de-
scribed later in this section).
Multicast Frames:
For Multicast Frames, the
first bit of the DA is a 1 (DA[0] = 1), indicating
that the frame is a Logical Address. The address
filter accepts Multicast frames whose hash-fil-
tered DA matches one of the bits programmed
into the Logical Address Filter (the hash filter is
described later is this section). As shown in Table
5.7, Broadcast Frames can be accepted as Multi-
cast frames under a very specific set of condi-
Broadcast Frames:
Broadcast frames have a
DA equal to FFFF FFFF FFFFh.
In addition, the CS8920A can be configured for
Promiscuous Mode, in which case it will accept
all receive frames, irrespective of DA.
Configuring the Destination Address Filter
The DA filter is configured by programming five
DA filter bits in the RxCTL register (Register 5):
IAHashA, PromiscuousA, MulticastA, Individu-
alA, and BroadcastA. Four of these bits are
associated with four status bits in the RxEvent
register (Register 4): IAHash, Hashed, Individu-
alAdr, and Broadcast. The RxEvent register
reports the results of the DA filter for a given
receive frame. The bits associated with DA filter-
ing are summarized below:
Bit #
Register 5
Register 4
(used only if IAHashA = 1)
(used only if IndividualA = 1)
(used only if BroadcastA = 1)
The IAHashA, MulticastA, IndividualA, and
BroadcastA bits are used independently. As a re-
sult, many DA filter combinations are possible.
For example, if MulticastA and IndividualA are
set, then all frames that are either Multicast or
Individual Address frames are accepted. The
PromiscuousA bit, when set, overrides the other
four DA bits and allows all valid frames to be
accepted. Table 5.6 summarizes the configuration
options available for DA filtering.