data/address/control bus. On the network side, it
interfaces to the internal Manchester encoder/de-
coder (ENDEC). The primary functions of the
MAC are: frame encapsulation and decapsula-
tion; error detection and handling; and, media
access management.
Frame Encapsulation and Decapsulation
The CS8920A’s MAC engine automatically as-
sembles transmit packets and disassembles
receive packets. It also determines if transmit
and receive frames are of legal minimum size.
Once the proper number of bytes
have been transferred to the CS8920A’s memory
(either 5, 381, 1021 bytes, or full frame), and
providing that access to the network is permitted,
the MAC automatically transmits the 7-byte pre-
amble (1010101b...), followed by the
Start-of-Frame Delimiter (SFD, 10101011b), and
then the serialized frame data. It then transmits
the Frame Check Sequence (FCS). The data after
the SFD and before the FCS (Destination Ad-
dress, Source Address, Length, and data field) is
supplied by the host. FCS generation by the
CS8920A may be disabled by setting the In-
hibitCRC bit (Register 9, TxCMD, bit C).
Figure 3.6 shows the Ethernet frame format.
The MAC receives the incoming
packet as a serial stream of NRZ data from the
Manchester encoder/decoder. It begins by check-
ing for the SFD. Once the SFD is detected, the
MAC assumes all subsequent bits are frame data.
It reads the DA and compares it to the criteria
programmed into the address filter (see Section
5.3 for a description of Address Filtering). If the
DA passes the address filter, the frame is loaded
into the CS8920A’s memory. If the BufferCRC
bit (Register 3, RxCFG, bit B) is set, the re-
ceived FCS is also loaded into memory. Once
the entire packet has been received, the MAC
validates the FCS. If an error is detected, the
CRCerror bit (Register 4, RxEvent, Bit C) is set.
Enforcing Minimum Frame Size:
provides minimum frame size enforcement of
both transmit and receive packets. When the
TxPadDis bit (Register 9, TxCMD, Bit D) is
clear, transmit frames will be padded with addi-
tional bits to ensure that the receiving station
receives a legal frame (64 bytes, including
CRC). When TxPadDis is set, the CS8920A will
not add pad bits and will transmit frames less
that 64 bytes. If a frame is received that is less
than 64 bytes (including CRC), the Runt bit
(Register 4, RxEvent, Bit D) will be set indicat-
ing the arrival of an illegal frame.
1 byte
up to 7 bytes
6 bytes
6 bytes
2 bytes N bytes M bytes
LLC data
4 bytes
frame length
min 64 bytes
max 1518 bytes
alternating 1s / 0s
The optional field, which is two bytes long, is
either a TYPE field for Ethernet applications or
a LENGTH field for IEEE 802.3 applications.
The Pad field will be used only to get the frame
to the minimum size. When the CS8920 adds pad
bytes, the pad is the last byte of the LLC data
field repeated M times.
Direction of Transmission
Optional Field
SFD = Start of Frame Delimiter
DA = Destination Address
SA = Source Address
LLC = Logical Link Control
FCS = Frame Check Sequence (also
called Cyclic Redundancy Check, or CRC)
Figure 3.6. Ethernet Frame Format