than approximately 2.5 V
the crystal oscilla-
tor has stabilized.
Power-Down Reset:
If the supply voltage drops
below approximately 2.5 V, there is a chip-wide
reset. The CS8920A comes out of reset once the
power supply returns to a level greater than ap-
proximately 2.5 V
the crystal oscillator has
There is a chip-wide reset if the
CS8920A detects an EEPROM checksum error.
(see Section 3.1).
Software Initiated Reset:
There is a chip-wide
reset whenever the RESET bit (Register 15,
SelfCTL, Bit 6) is set. The Plug and Play card
select number, Plug and Play Rd Data port,
PnP_disable bit, IO base address register, mem-
ory base address register, interrupt register, and
DMA register are preserved. The digital logic is
reset, but the analog circuits are not.
Hardware (HW) Standby or Suspend:
CS8920A goes though a chip-wide reset when-
ever it enters or exits either HW Standby mode
or HW Suspend mode (see Section 3.8 for more
information about HW Standby and Suspend).
Software (SW) Suspend:
Whenever the
CS8920A enters SW Suspend mode, all registers
and circuits are reset except for the ISA I/O Base
Address register (located at PacketPage base +
0360h) and the SelfCTL register (Register 15).
Upon exit, there is a chip-wide reset (see Section
3.8 for more information about SW Suspend).
PnP Initiated Reset:
Writing a one (setting
bit[0]) to the Plug and Play Config Control reg-
ister (address 0x02) causes all digital registers to
be reset, including the CS8920A’s Card select
Number and Plug and Play Read Data Port ad-
dress. At the end of the reset, the CS8920A will
attempt to read configuration information from
EEPROM. The analog circuits are not reset.
Magic Packet Frame Generated Reset:
In power
down mode, with WakeupEn=1, the CS8920A
won’t reset completely unless the reset signal it
detects is followed by 6 MEMR cycles. The
Magic Packet frame generated reset ensures the
CS8920A resets only when it receives a true
power up reset signal.
Allowing Time for Reset Operation
After a reset, the CS8920A goes through a self
configuration. This includes calibrating on-chip
analog circuitry, and reading EEPROM for valid-
ity and configuration. Time required for the reset
calibration is typically 10 ms. Software drivers
should not access registers internal to the
CS8920A during this time. When calibration is
done, bit INITD in the Self Status Register (reg-
ister 16) is set indicating that initialization is
complete, and the SIBUSY bit in the same regis-
ter is cleared indicating the EEPROM is no
longer being read or programmed.
Bus Reset Considerations
The CS8920A reads 3000h from IObase+0Ah
after the reset, until the software writes a non-
zero value at IObase+0Ah. The 3000h address
can be used as part of the CS8920A signature
when the system scans for the CS8920A. See
Section 4.12, I/O Space Operation.
After a reset, the ISA bus outputs IRQx and
DRQx are tri-stated, thus avoiding any interrupt
or DMA channel conflicts on the ISA bus at
power-up time.
After each reset (except EEPROM Reset), the
CS8920A checks the sense of the EEDI pin to
see if an external EEPROM is present. If EEDI
is high, an EEPROM is present and the
CS8920A automatically loads the configuration
data stored in the EEPROM into its internal reg-
isters (see next section). If EEDI is low, an