Advance Information
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DEC 2009 REVISION 1.02
PI7C8154A is capable of decoding and forwarding fast back-to-back write transactions. When
PI7C8154A cannot accept the second transaction because of buffer space limitations, it returns a
target retry to the initiator. The fast back-to-back enable bit must be set in the command register for
upstream write transactions, and in the bridge control register for downstream write transactions.
Delayed read forwarding is used for all read transactions crossing PI7C8154A. Delayed read
transactions are treated as either prefetchable or non-prefetchable. Table 2-5 shows the read
behavior, prefetchable or non-prefetchable, for each type of read operation.
A prefetchable read transaction is a read transaction where PI7C8154A performs speculative
DWORD reads, transferring data from the target before it is requested from the initiator. This
behavior allows a prefetchable read transaction to consist of multiple data transfers. However, byte
enable bits cannot be forwarded for all data phases as is done for the single data phase of the non-
prefetchable read transaction. For prefetchable read transactions, PI7C8154A forces all byte enable
bits to be on for all data phases.
Prefetchable behavior is used for memory read line and memory read multiple transactions, as well
as for memory read transactions that fall into prefetchable memory space.
The amount of data that is prefetched depends on the type of transaction. The amount of
prefetching may also be affected by the amount of free buffer space available in PI7C8154A, and
by any read address boundaries encountered.
Prefetching should not be used for those read transactions that have side effects in the target device,
that is, control and status registers, FIFO’s, and so on. The target device’s base address register or
registers indicate if a memory address region is prefetchable.
A non-prefetchable read transaction is a read transaction where PI7C8154A requests one and only
one DWORD from the target and disconnects the initiator after delivery of the first DWORD of
read data. Unlike prefetchable read transactions, PI7C8154A forwards the read byte enable
information for the data phase.
Non-prefetchable behavior is used for I/O and configuration read transactions, as well as for
memory read transactions that fall into non-prefetchable memory space.
If extra read transactions could have side effects, for example, when accessing a FIFO, use non-
prefetchable read transactions to those locations. Accordingly, if it is important to retain the value
of the byte enable bits during the data phase, use non-prefetchable read transactions. If these
locations are mapped in memory space, use the memory read command and map the target into
non-prefetchable (memory-mapped I/O) memory space to use non-prefetching behavior.