User’s Manual U16541EJ4V0UD
19.3 Functions
19.3.1 Determining bus priority
(1) When a node starts transmission:
During bus idle, the node that output data first transmits the data.
(2) When more than one node starts transmission:
The node that consecutively outputs the dominant level for the longest from the first bit of the arbitration field
has the bus priority (if a dominant level and a recessive level are simultaneously transmitted, the dominant
level is taken as the bus value).
The transmitting node compares its output arbitration field and the data level on the bus.
Table 19-9. Determining Bus Priority
Level match
Continuous transmission
Level mismatch
Continuous transmission
(3) Priority of data frame and remote frame
When a data frame and a remote frame are on the bus, the data frame has priority because its RTR bit, the
last bit in the arbitration field, carries a dominant level.
If the extended-format data frame and the standard-format remote frame conflict on the bus (if ID28 to
ID18 of both of them are the same), the standard-format remote frame takes priority.
19.3.2 Bit stuffing
Bit stuffing is used to establish synchronization by appending 1 bit of inverted-level data if the same level continues
for 5 bits, in order to prevent a burst error.
Table 19-10. Bit Stuffing
During the transmission of a data frame or remote frame, when the same level continues for 5 bits in the data
between the start of frame and the ACK field, 1 inverted-level bit of data is inserted before the following bit.
During the reception of a data frame or remote frame, when the same level continues for 5 bits in the data
between the start of frame and the ACK field, reception is continued after deleting the next bit.
19.3.3 Multi masters
As the bus priority (a node which acquires transmission rights) is determined by the identifier, any node can be the
bus master.
19.3.4 Multi cast
Although there is one transmitting node, two or more nodes can receive the same data at the same time because
the same identifier can be set to two or more nodes.