Functional Description
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April, 2002
3.13.3 Full Duplex Indication
The Duplex state of the device, either Full or Half, is reported on the
duplex status bit in the Miscellaneous Status register.
3.13.4 Loopback Disable
In Half Duplex operation, an external PHY device will always loopback a
transmit packet to the receive side over the PHY interface. This
loopbacked receive packet can be automatically ignored and discarded
by setting the Receive Own Transmit Ignore bit in the Configuration 1
In Full Duplex operation, the Receive Own Transmit Ignore bit has be set
to a “0” for proper operation. This bit will be automatically set to 0 in Full
Duplex mode if the ROWNT override bit is set in the Configuration 3
3.14 Flow Control
Flow control refers to the ability to cause a remote station to temporarily
halt sending packets in order to prevent packet loss in a congested
system. The L84302 has separate flow control mechanisms for Half and
Full Duplex modes. Half Duplex uses a collision based flow control
mechanism, Full Duplex uses MAC Control frames for flow control. The
Half-Duplex flow control mechanism is described in
Section 3.15,
“Automatic JAM,” page 51
. The Full Duplex flow control mechanism is
described in
Section 3.16, “MAC Control Frames,” page 52
. Refer to
these sections for more details on the respective flow control schemes.
3.15 Automatic JAM
The automatic JAM feature is intended for Half Duplex flow control and
is only enabled if the device is in Half Duplex mode. The automatic JAM
feature is enabled by asserting the FCNTRL_[1:4] pin for the a given
port. If a receive packet is detected while the FCNTRL_[1:4] pin is in the
asserted state, a JAM packet is internally generated and automatically
transmitted by the transmit MAC over the PHY Interface for that port. This
autogenerated JAM packet creates a collision, which causes a remote
station to temporarily cease transmission due to its backoff algorithm.