User’s Manual U17790EJ2V0UD
20.9 DMA Transfer Start Factors
There are two types of DMA transfer start factors, as shown below.
(1) Request by software
If the STGn bit is set to 1 while the DCHCn.TCn bit = 1 and Enn bit = 1 (DMA transfer enabled), DMA transfer
is started.
To request the next DMA transfer cycle immediately after that, confirm, by using the DBCn register, that the
preceding DMA transfer cycle has been completed, and set the STGn bit to 1 again (n = 0 to 3).
TCn bit = 0, Enn bit = 1
STGn bit = 1 … Starts the first DMA transfer.
Confirm that the contents of the DBCn register have been updated.
STGn bit = 1 … Starts the second DMA transfer.
Generation of terminal count … Enn bit = 0, TCn bit = 1, and INTDMAn signal is generated.
(2) Request by on-chip peripheral I/O
If an interrupt request is generated from the on-chip peripheral I/O set by the DTFRn register when the
DCHCn.TCn bit = 0 and Enn bit = 1 (DMA transfer enabled), DMA transfer is started.
Cautions 1. Two start factors (software trigger and hardware trigger) cannot be used for one DMA
channel. If two start factors are simultaneously generated for one DMA channel, only one
of them is valid. The start factor that is valid cannot be identified.
2. A new transfer request that is generated after the preceding DMA transfer request was
generated or in the preceding DMA transfer cycle is ignored (cleared).
3. The transfer request interval of the same DMA channel varies depending on the setting of
bus wait in the DMA transfer cycle, the start status of the other channels, or the external
bus hold request. In particular, as described in Caution 2, a new transfer request that is
generated for the same channel before the DMA transfer cycle or during the DMA transfer
cycle is ignored. Therefore, the transfer request intervals for the same DMA channel must
be sufficiently separated by the system. When the software trigger is used, completion of
the DMA transfer cycle that was generated before can be checked by updating the DBCn