* Image Write
Image write can transfer color image from host system memory to display memory . The
color image data transfer to TP6508 by writing to "Host to Display Data Transfer Register" .
The display pixels order of color image is from left to right and from top to bottom if both 'X
direction' bit and 'Y direction' bit are programmed to "0" .
Some additional notes for 'Image Write' need to care in programming sequence . The
first , if Width-X isn't a double-word alignment number for 'Image Write', we muse add a ,
two or three dummy bytes to fill the last transfer to a double word at the end of each horizontal
line . The second , we usually need to check the 'Command FIFO' status in "Graphics Com-
mand FIFO Status Register" at the start of any horizontal line . If one horizontal line needs 32
bytes or less to transfer , then the whole line can be written to TP6508 directly . If one
horizontal line needs to transfer more than 32 bytes , it must be done after every 32 bytes have
been written to TP6508 that we need to check the 'Command FIFO' status .
* Image Read
Image read can transfer color image from display memory to host system memory . The
color image data transfer from TP6508 by reading from "Host to Display Data Transfer Reg-
ister" . The display pixels order is as same as Image Write .
Also , for 'Image Read' the additional cares about 'Image Write' need to take care .
* Rectangular Fill & Pattern Fill
Rectangular fill can fill a any size rectangular region on display memory using the color
in "Foreground Color Registers" . Also, the pattern fill can use a 8-pixel by 8-pixel image
that is storied on display memory as pattern source to fill a any size rectangular region on
display memory if pattern is selected by 'Raster operation'.
* Rectangular Clipping
Rectangular clipping define a rectangular region where the image data can be written or
cannot . If rectangular clipping is enabled , all the graphic engine functions including of 'Line
Drawing' , 'BitBlt' , 'Color Expansion' , 'Image Write' , 'Image Read' , and 'Rectangular Fill &
Pattern Fill' can only write these pixels that inside the clipping region or on the boundary if
the 'Rectangular clipping polarity' bit is set to "0" . Any pixel outside the rectangular region
would not be changes .
A another option , GEC can write those pixels that outside clipping region (not includ-
ing of on the boundary) if the 'Rectangular clipping polarity' bit is set to "1" .
* Color Transparency
Color transparency function can partition the destination pixels into two groups base on
its color information . Pixels transfer through GEC with the same color as the "Transparency
Color Registers" can not be modified if 'transparency polarity' bit is "0" . Pixels transfer