SiI3512 PCI to Serial ATA Controller
Data Sheet
Silicon Image, Inc.
2007-2010 Silicon Image, Inc. All rights reserved.
Combinations of the above can be supported by simply issuing the appropriate combinations of VS Unlock
Vendor Specific, VS Unlock Reserved and VS Unlock Individual commands.
Set protocol. There are two ways to set up protocol(s):
Issue a VS Set Command Protocol command to set up a protocol for a specific command. The information is
logged in a Command Protocol Table inside the SiI3512 controller. This protocol will remain valid until
overwritten by a VS Set Command Protocol command that overwrites the Command Protocol Table entry, the
VS Lock command, hardware reset, COMRESET, or COMINIT. The SiI3512 controller will also send this
command to the Serial ATA device. If the downstream Serial ATA device is a bridge, the device bridge may
optionally issue this command to the attached parallel ATA device. Note that the protocol will be set in the
SiI3512 controller even if an ABORT status is reported. If more than one command protocol has to be set up, a
VS Set Command protocol will have to be issued for each command.
Issue a VS Set General Protocol command to set the General Protocol Code for the next vendor-specific
command. This protocol will remain valid until the next VS Set General Protocol command, VS Lock command,
hardware reset, COMRESET, or COMINIT. The SiI3512 controller will also send this command to the Serial
ATA device. If the downstream Serial ATA device is a bridge, the device bridge may optionally issue this
command to the attached parallel ATA device. Note that the protocol will be set in the SiI3512 controller even if
an ABORT status is reported. Commands already set up via the VS Set Command Protocol will follow the
protocol set in the VS Set Command Protocol command instead of the one set in this command.
Issue any command:
Any vendor-specific commands (if unlocked for vendor-specific commands) or reserved commands (if unlocked
for reserved commands) that has an associated protocol set via the VS Set Command Protocol command will be
executed using that protocol.
Any vendor-specific commands (if unlocked for vendor-specific commands) or reserved commands (if unlocked
for reserved commands) that does not have an associated protocol, i.e. not set up by the VS Set Command
Protocol command, will be executed using the protocol loaded from the latest VS Set General Protocol
Other supported commands will follow the predefined protocols.
Other unsupported commands will be aborted.
To change the protocol for vendor-specific commands, simply reissue the VS Set General Protocol or the VS Set
Command Protocol command with the new protocol.
When done, issue the VS Lock command to return to the default VS state. The SiI3512 controller will also send
the VS Lock command to the Serial ATA device. If the downstream Serial ATA device is a bridge, the device
bridge may optionally issue this command to the attached parallel ATA device. Note that the lock will take effect
in the SiI3512 controller even if an ABORT status is reported.