Platform Flash XL High-Density Configuration and Storage Device
DS617 (v3.0.1) January 07, 2010
Product Specification
Programming Overview
Programming solutions satisfying the requirements for each
product phase are available for Platform Flash XL. ISE
software provides integrated programming support for the
FPGA design engineer in the prototyping environment.
Third-party programming support is also available for the
demands of the manufacturing environments.
iMPACT Programming Solution for
Prototype FPGA Designs
Xilinx ISE software has integral support for in-system
programming enabling rapid develop-program-and-test
cycles for prototype FPGA designs. The software can
compile the FPGA design into a configuration bitstream and
program the bitstream into a Platform Flash XL in-system
via a Xilinx JTAG cable (Figure 7).
The iMPACT software tool within the ISE software suite
formats the FPGA user design bitstream into a flash
memory image file and programs the device via a Xilinx
JTAG cable connection to the JTAG port of the FPGA. For
the programming process, the iMPACT software first
downloads a pre-built bitstream containing an in-system
programming engine into the FPGA. Then, the iMPACT
software indirectly programs the FPGA user design
bitstream into a Platform Flash XL via the downloaded
in-system programming engine in the FPGA.
Note: For iMPACT software indirect in-system programming
support, a specific set of connections is required between the
FPGA and Platform Flash XL. See
Configuration and Storage Device User Guide, for recommended
connections. iMPACT supports reading and writing of only the
main memory array. iMPACT does not support reading or writing of
special data registers, for example, electronic signature codes,
protection registers, or OTP registers.
Production Programming Solutions
For the requirements of manufacturing environments,
multiple solutions exist for programming Platform Flash XL.
Programming support is available for the common
production programming platforms.
Note: Check with the third-party vendor for the availability of
Platform Flash XL programming support.
Device Programmers
Device programmers can gang program a high volume of
Platform Flash XL in an minimum of time. Third-party device
programmer vendors, such as BPM Microsystems, support
programming of Platform Flash XL.
See http://www.xilinx.com/support/programr/dev_sup.htm
for a sample list of third-party programmer vendors
supporting Platform Flash XL.
Device programmers require the array data in the form of a
standard PROM formatted data file, such as MCS. The
FPGA .bit file is not a valid data input format for third-
party device programmers. See the Platform Flash XL
Configuration and Storage Device User Guide
for instructions on
preparing a programming file.
X-Ref Target - Figure 7
Figure 7: Integrated FPGA Design and In-System Programming Solution for Platform Flash XL
FPGA Design
(.bit) File
Platform Flash XL
Compile Design
ISE Foundation Software
Design (.bit)
Format File
Program File
iMPACT Software
Xilinx JTAG Cable
for programming
prototype designs