Intelligent Eight-Channel Communications Controller
Receiver Bit Register
This register monitors certain functions of the actual receive hardware. It should
be written to
as this causes the CD1865 to fail. Only two of the bits are defined herein; however, the other bit
positions can change value, so these bits should be
before testing.
Bit 6 is the sampled state of the RxD pin, as sampled at the last bit-rate clock edge. This is not the
actual RxD Input, as RxD cannot be sampled in real time. If no data has been received for a period
of time, this bit still reflects the last sampled state of the line at the end of the last character. This is
because the line is not sampled when the CD1865 is looking for the Start bit of a new character.
Bit 7
RxEn Receiver Enable:
0 = Receiver is disabled.
1 = Receiver is enabled.
Bit 6
RxFloff Receive Flow-off:
0 = Normal
1 = The CD1865 has requested the remote to stop transmission (Send Xoff Command has been given to the
channel). This bit is reset when the CD1865 has requested the remote to restart transmission, or when the
receiver is enabled or disabled, or when the channel is reset.
Bit 5
RxFlon Receive Flow-on:
0 = Normal
1 = The CD1865 has requested the remote to restart character transmission (Send Xon Command has been
given to the channel). This bit is reset when the next (non-flow control) character is received, or when the
receiver is enabled or disabled, or when the channel is reset.
Bit 4
Not used
Bit 3
TxEn Transmitter Enable:
0 = Transmitter is disabled.
1 = Transmitter is enabled.
Bit 2
TxFloff Transmit Flow-off:
0 = Normal
1 = The CD1865 has been requested by the remote to stop transmission. This bit is reset when the CD1865
receives a request to resume transmission, or when the transmitter is enabled or disabled, or when the
channel is reset.
Bit 1
TxFlon Transmit Flow-on:
0 = Normal
1 = The CD1865 has been requested by the remote to resume transmission. This bit is reset once character
transmission is resumed, or when the transmitter is enabled or disabled, or when the channel is reset.
Bit 0
Not used
Register Name: RBR
Register Description: Receiver Bit Register
Default Value: 21
Access: Read Only
Bit 7
Bit 6
8-Bit Hex Address: $33
Intel Hex Address: $66
Motorola Hex Address: $67
Bit 5
Bit 4
Bit 3
Bit 2
Bit 1
Bit 0
Start Hunt