(b) Transmitting Line FEBE (Line Far End Block Error)
A report is issued, to units upstream, of whether a Line BIP-24 error has occurred.
When the
PD98405 detects a B2 error in the receive frame, it automatically stores the number of
erroneous bytes into the third Z2 byte (fourth through eighth bits) of the transmit frame for transmission.
(c) Transmitting Path FEBE (Path Far End Block Error)
A report is issued, to units upstream, of whether a Path BIP-8 error has occurred.
When the
PD98405 detects a B3 error in the receive frame, it automatically stores the number of
erroneous bytes into the G1 byte (first through fourth bits) of the transmit frame for transmission.
(3) Dummy error frame generation/transmission function
PD98405 has a function for internally generating the dummy error frames listed in Table 6-6. This
function is useful for testing a system and can be executed by setting command register 3 (PCMR3).
Table 6-6. Dummy Error Frames
Generation of dummy error
LOS frame generation
Fix transmit data to 00H.
OOF/LOF frame generation
Fix A1 and A2 bytes to 00H.
LOP frame generation
Fix H1, H2, and H3 bytes to FFH, FEH, and FFH.
OCD and LCD frame generation
Invert LSB bit of HEC field.
Generation of B1 error
Invert and transmit LSB bit of B1 byte.
Generation of B2 error
Invert and transmit LSB bit of B2 byte.
Generation of B3 error
Invert and transmit LSB bit of B3 byte.
Generation of Line FEBE
Invert and transmit LSB bit of 3rd Z2 byte (4th through 8th bits).
Generation of Path FEBE
Invert and transmit LSB bit of G1 byte (1st through 4th bits).
6.3.2 Reception OAM Control
(1) Detection of alarm and failure
If the
PD98405 detects any of the alarms or failures listed below, it sets the bits of the internal interrupt
source register and issues a report to the host by means of an interrupt signal. The host can identify the
type of the detected alarm or failure by reading each interrupt source register. Each source of the interrupt
can be either masked or unmasked. The detection of an alarm or failure can be reported by outputting a
signal from the PHYALM output pin. Which alarm or failure is to be output to the PHYALM pin is specified
by the AMR1 and AMR2 registers.