TMXF28155 Supermapper
155/51 Mbits/s SONET/SDH x28/x21 DS1/E1
Data Sheet
June 2002
Agere Systems Inc.
21 28-Channel Framer Block Functional Description
21.3 Framer-to-Line Interface Unit Physical Interface
The framer-LIU interface of the Supermapper framer consists of 28 groups of six connections. The internal DS1
cross connect must be configured to connect the framer-LIU interface through the multifunction system interface to
external T1/E1 line interface devices. The six connections for each framer are TND, TPD, and TLCK driven from
the transmit framer (receive path) and RPD, RND, and RCLK (transmit path) sourced from the external line inter-
face device. The connections can optionally be from/to the protected switch. See
Table 3 on page 17
for the exter-
nal pin names that correspond to the desired six connections.
The line interface may operate in single-rail or dual-rail mode. The default mode of the line encoder is single-rail
(FRM_LD_MODE[2:0] = 000 (
Table 442 on page 308
), FRM_LE_MODE[2:0] = 000 (
Table 443 on page 308
)). In
this mode, the input signals are passed transparently through the line encoder.
In single-rail mode, the link’s framer internal bipolar line encoder/decoder is disabled, and monitoring of received
line format violation is accomplished with the use of the RND input. When RND = 1 on the rising edge of RLCK, the
line format violation FRM_BPV[15:0] (
Table 400 on page 289
) counter increments by one. The link’s transmit
framer transmits data via the TPD output pin while TND is forced to a 0 state.
In dual-rail mode, the internal line encoder/decoder and monitoring are enabled. The line code may be selected by
provisioning FRM_LD_MODE[2:0] and FRM_LE_MODE[2:0]:
1. Alternate Mark Inversion (AMI).
2. High-Density Bipolar of Order 3—G.703, A.1 (HDB3).
3.Binary 8 Zero Code Suppression—G.703, A.2 (B8ZS).
Line format violations due to excessive zeros will be optionally monitored as follows:
1. B8ZS—8 consecutive zeros cause a violation.
2. HDB3—4 consecutive zeros cause a violation.
21.3.1 Line Interface References/Standards
1. ITU-T Recommendation G.703,
Physical/Electrical Characteristics of Hierarchical Digital Interfaces;1991
Network-to-Customer Installation - DS1 Metallic Interface
; March 21, 1995.
21.3.2 Frame Formats
The 28 superframers support the following frame formats:
1. DS1 superframe D4.
2. DS1 superframe J-D4 with Japanese remote alarm.
3. DS1 superframe DDS.
4. DS1 superframe
5. DS1 extended superframe (ESF).
6. Japanese extended superframe J-ESF (J1 standard with different CRC-6 algorithm).
7. Nonalign DS1 (transparent 193 bits).
8. CEPT basic frame {ITU G.706}.
9. CEPT CRC-4 multiframe with 100 ms timer {ITU G.706}.
10. CEPT CRC-4 multiframe with 400 ms timer (automatic CRC-4/nonCRC-4 equipment interworking) {ITU G.706
Annex B}.
11. Nonalign E1 (transparent 256 bits).
12. 2.048 coded mark inversion (CMI) coded interface (TTC Standards JJ-20.11).
13. 6.312 Mbits/s interface (ITU G.704/NTT J2).