SCSI Operating Registers
SYM53C825A/825AE Data Manual
Bit 5
SE L (Selected)
T his bit is set when the SYM53C825A is
selected by another SCSI device. T he Enable
Response to Selection bit must have been set in
the SCID register (and the RESPID register
must hold the chip’s ID) for the
SYM53C825A to respond to selection
Bit 4
RSL (Reselected)
T his bit is set when the SYM53C825A is rese-
lected by another SCSI device. T he Enable
Response to Reselection bit must have been set
in the SCID register (and the RESPID register
must hold the chip’s ID) for the
SYM53C825A to respond to reselection
Bit 3
SGE (SCSI Gross E rror)
T his bit is set when the SYM53C825A
encounters a SCSI Gross Error Condition.
T he following conditions can result in a SCSI
Gross Error Condition:
1. Data Underflow - the SCSI FIFO register
was read when no data was present.
2. Data Overflow - too many bytes were
written to the SCSI FIFO or the
synchronous offset caused the SCSI FIFO
to be overwritten.
3. Offset Underflow - the SYM53C825A is
operating in target mode and a SACK /
pulse is received when the outstanding
offset is zero.
4. Offset Overflow - the other SCSI device
sent a SREQ/ or SACK / pulse with data
which exceeded the maximum
synchronous offset defined by the SX FER
5. A phase change occurred with an
outstanding synchronous offset when the
SYM53C825A was operating as an
6. Residual data in the Synchronous data
FIFO - a transfer other than synchronous
data receive was started with data left in the
synchronous data FIFO.
Bit 2
UDC (Unexpected Disconnect)
T his bit is set when the SYM53C825A is oper-
ating in initiator mode and the target device
unexpectedly disconnects from the SCSI bus.
T his bit is only valid when the SYM53C825A
operates in the initiator mode. When the
SYM53C825A operates in low level mode, any
disconnect will cause an interrupt, even a valid
SCSI disconnect. T his bit will also be set if a
selection time-out occurs (it may occur before,
at the same time, or stacked after the ST O
interrupt, since this is not considered an
expected disconnect).
Bit 1
RST (SCSI RST / Received)
T his bit is set when the SYM53C825A detects
an active SRST / signal, whether the reset was
generated external to the chip or caused by the
Assert SRST / bit in the SCNT L1 register. T his
SYM53C825A SCSI reset detection logic is
edge-sensitive, so that multiple interrupts will
not be generated for a single assertion of the
SRST / signal.
Bit 0
PAR (Parity E rror)
T his bit is set when the SYM53C825A detects
a parity error while receiving SCSI data. T he
Enable Parity Checking bit (bit 3 in the
SCNT L0 register) must be set for this bit to
become active. T he SYM53C825A always gen-
erates parity when sending SCSI data.