TM1300 Data Book
Philips Semiconductors
Software compatibility between current and future Trime-
dia processor family members is at the source-code and
library API level; binary compatibility between family
members is not guaranteed.
Defining software compatibility at the source-code level
gives Philips the freedom to strike the optimum balance
between cost and performance for all chips in the family.
A powerful compiler and software development environ-
ment ensure that programmers never need to resort to
non-portable assembler programming. Programmers
use the library APIs and multimedia operations from C
and C++ source code.
TM1300 is designed both for use as an accelerator in a
PC environment or as the sole CPU in cost-effective
standalone systems. In standalone system applications,
the TM1300 external bus allows for glueless connection
of 8-bit wide ROM, EEPROM, or Flash memory for code
storage. The external bus also allows intermixing of
PCI2.1 master/slave peripherals and 8-bit simple periph-
erals, such as UARTs and other 8-bit microprocessor pe-
ripherals. This powerful external bus architecture gives
system designers a variety of options to configure low-
cost, high-performance system solutions.
Because it is based on a general-purpose CPU, TM1300
can also serve as a multifunctional PC enhancement ve-
hicle. Typically, a PC must deal with multistandard video
and audio streams; and applications require both decom-
pression and compression. While the CPU chips used in
PCs are becoming capable of low-resolution, real-time
video decompression, high-quality decompression—not
to mention compression—of studio-resolution video is
still out of reach. Further, users expect their systems to
handle live video and audio without sacrificing system re-
TM1300 enhances a PC system by providing real-time
multimedia with the advantages of a special-purpose,
embedded solution—low cost and chip count—
and the
advantages of a general-purpose processor—repro-
grammability. For PC applications, TM1300 far surpass-
es the capabilities of fixed-function multimedia chips.
Future media processor family members will have differ-
ent sets of interfaces appropriate for their intended use.
Key features of TM1300 include:
A very powerful, general-purpose VLIW processor
core (the DSPCPU) that coordinates all on-chip
activities. In addition to implementing the non-trivial
parts of multimedia algorithms, the DSPCPU runs a
small real-time operating system driven by interrupts
from the other units.
Independent DMA-driven multimedia I/O units that
properly format data to make software media pro-
cessing efcient.
DMA-driven multimedia coprocessors that operate
independently and in parallel with the DSPCPU to
perform operations specic to important multimedia
A high-performance bus and memory system that
provide communication between TM1300’s process-
ing units.
A exible external bus interface.
Figure 2-1 shows a TM1300 block diagram. The bulk of
a TM1300 system consists of the TM1300 microproces-
sor itself, external synchronous DRAM (SDRAM), and
the external circuitry needed to interface to incoming
and/or outgoing video and audio data streams and com-
munication lines. TM1300’s external peripheral bus can
gluelessly interface to PC! 2.1 components and/or 8-bit
microprocessor peripherals.
Figure 2-2 shows a possible minimally configured
TM1300 system. A video input stream might come direct-
ly from a CCIR 656-compliant video camera chip in YUV
4:2:2 format through a glueless interface in this case. An
analog camera can be connected via a CCIR 656 inter-
face chip (such as the Philips SAA7113H). TM1300 out-
puts a CCIR656 video stream to drive a dedicated video
monitor. Stereo audio input and up to 8-channel audio
output require only low-cost external ADC and DAC. The
operation of the video and audio interface units is highly
customizable through programmable parameters.
The glueless PCI interface allows the TM1300 to display
video in a host PC’s video card. The Image Coprocessor
(ICP) provides display support for live video input an ar-
bitrary number of arbitrarily overlapped windows.
Finally, the Synchronous Serial Interface (SSI) requires
only an external ISDN or analog modem front-end chip
and phone line interface to provide remote communica-
tion support. It can be used to connect TM1300-based
systems for video phone or videoconferencing applica-
tions, or it can be used for general-purpose data commu-
nication in PC systems.
The TM1300 JTAG port allows a debugger on a host sys-
tem to access and control the state of a TM1300 in a tar-
get system. It also implements 1149.1 boundary scan
Figure 2-2. TM1300 system connections. A minimal
TM1300 requires few supporting components.
digital video
audio in
2 - 8 ch
audio out
dig. video
front end
PCI and 8-bit peripheral bus