TM1300 Data Book
Philips Semiconductors
gram can consist of up to 500 32-bit words of DSPCPU
instructions. The byte count must be a multiple of four.
Note that the bytes are stored in the EEPROM in a byte
swapped order per group of 4 compared to SDRAM, as
detailed in Table 13-5.
After the entire DSPCPU bootstrap program is loaded
into SDRAM at DRAM_BASE, the system boot logic re-
leases the DSPCPU from the reset state. At this point,
the DSPCPU begins executing the bootstrap program
starting at DRAM_BASE and TM1300 is fully operation-
al. At the same time, the boot logic releases the I2C in-
For a host-assisted bootstrap, the complete bootstrap
process consists of three distinct stages, but the system
boot hardware performs only the first stage. The other
two stages are the responsibility of the host system.
Stage 1: TM1300 System Boot
In the first stage, the TM1300 hardware must be initial-
ized enough to allow the host system to query and ma-
nipulate TM1300 resources. The system boot hardware,
using the procedure described above in Section 13.3.1,
“Boot Procedure Common to Both Autonomous and
Host-Assisted Bootstrap,” initializes the Subsystem ID,
Subsystem Vendor ID, MM_CONFIG, and PLL_RATIOS
registers, waits for the PLLs to lock, enables the internal
highway and MMI, but leaves the DSPCPU in the reset
state. After this minimal initialization, the host system can
finish the bootstrap process.
At the completion of stage 1, the TM1300 hardware is
ready to respond to PCI configuration space accesses,
and the boot block has released the I2C interface.
Stage 2: Host-System PCI
Stage 2 is carried out either by the host-system PCI
BIOS or by a combination of the BIOS and the host op-
erating system (e.g., Windows 95). During this stage, the
host system configures all PCI-bus clients.
The PCI-bus configuration consists of querying the bus
clients to determine the following:
The number of PCI base-address registers imple-
mented by each client. For TM1300, the number of
The size of each aperture associated with the base-
address registers. For TM1300, the size of the MMIO
aperture is always 2 MB. The size of the SDRAM
aperture can range from 1 MB to 64 MB, and the size
must be a power of two (seven distinct sizes).
Using this information, the host system relocates each
address aperture to eliminate overlaps in the PCI ad-
dress space. The host system accomplishes the reloca-
tion by considering each aperture’s size and then writing
an appropriate starting address to each base-address
register. For TM1300, the base addresses of the MMIO
and SDRAM apertures must be relocated in this way.
Note that in the case of autonomous boot, this relocation
is done statically by the system boot hardware when it
DRAM_BASE from the serial EEPROM into these regis-
The steps of the PCI protocol for determining the size of
an address aperture are as follows (see Section 11.6.11,
“Base Address Registers,” for a more complete discus-
The host writes a 32-bit word of all ‘1’s (0xffffffff) to
the base-address register.
The host reads the base-address register immedi-
ately after the write. The value returned will have ‘0’s
in all don’t-care bits and ‘1’s in all required address
bits. The required address bits form a left-aligned
(i.e., starting at the most-signicant bit) contiguous
eld of ‘1’s.
This left-aligned eld of ‘1’s effectively species the
size of the address aperture by indicating the bits of
the base-address register that are signicant for relo-
cation. That is, an address aperture of size 2n can
only begin on a 2n-byte-aligned boundary.
As an example, consider the case of the MMIO aperture.
The host will perform the following steps during stage 2
of the bootstrap process:
Write 0xffffffff to MMIO_BASE.
Read from MMIO_BASE, which returns the value
0xffe00000. The host sees that this value has an 11-
bit left-aligned eld of ‘1’s, which indicates that the
aperture can only be relocated on 2-MB boundaries;
thus, the aperture size is 2 MB.
Write a new value to MMIO_BASE with the top 11
bits set to relocate the MMIO aperture to a 2-MB
region of PCI address space that does not conict
with other PCI address apertures.
At the completion of stage 2, the TM1300 hardware is
ready to respond to host configuration space accesses,
host MMIO accesses and host SDRAM aperture access-
es. The DSPCPU is still in RESET state.
Stage 3: TM1300 Driver Executing on
the Host
During the final stage of the bootstrap process, the
TM1300 software driver executing on the host system
will write to SDRAM a program for the DSPCPU, and ini-
tialize any MMIO registers. When the initial program load
is complete, the driver releases the DSPCPU from its re-
set state by a write to the BIU_CTL register with the CR
bit set. See Chapter 11, “PCI Interface.” Now, with the
DSPCPU and host both running, the TM1300 bootstrap
process is complete.