TM1300 Data Book
Philips Semiconductors
Integer Representation
The architecture supports the notion of 'unsigned inte-
gers' and 'signed integers.' Signed integers use the stan-
dard two’s-complement representation.
Arithmetic on integers does not generate traps. If a result
is not representable, the bit pattern returned is operation
specific, as defined in the individual operation descrip-
tion section. The typical cases are:
Wrap around for regular add- and subtract-type oper-
Clamping against the minimum or maximum repre-
sentable value for DSP-type operations.
Returning the least signicant 32-bit value of a 64-bit
result (e.g., integer/unsigned multiply).
Floating Point Representation
The TM1300 architecture supports single precision (32-
bit) IEEE-754 floating point arithmetic.
All arithmetic conforms to the IEEE-754 standard in
flush-to-zero mode.
All floating point compute operations round according to
the current setting of the
PCSW IEEE mode field. The
current setting of the field determines result rounding (to
nearest, to zero, to positive infinity, to negative infinity).
Conversions from float to integer/unsigned are available
in two forms: a PCSW rounding-mode-observing form
and an ANSI-C-specific-rounding form. The ANSI-C-
specific form forces round to zero regardless of the
PCSW IEEE rounding mode. Conversion from integer/
unsigned to float always observes the IEEE rounding
Floating point exceptions are supported with two mecha-
nisms. Each individual floating point operation (e.g. fadd)
has a counterpart operation (faddflags) that computes
the exception flag values. These operations can be used
for precise exception identification1. The second mecha-
nism uses the ‘sticky’ exception bits in the PCSW that
collect aggregate exception events. The PCSW excep-
tion bits can selectively invoke CPU exception handling.
See Section 3.5.2, “EXC (Exceptions).”
Table 3-3 shows the representation choices that were
made in TM1300’s floating point implementation.
Addressing Modes
The addressing modes shown in Table 3-4 are support-
ed by the DSPCPU architecture (store operations allow
only displacement mode).
In these addressing modes, R[i] indicates one of the gen-
eral purpose registers. The scale factor applied (1/2/4) is
equal to the size of the item loaded or stored, i.e. 1 for a
byte operation, two for a 16-bit operation and four for a
32-bit operation. The range of valid 'i', 'j' and 'k' values
may differ between implementations of the architecture;
the minimum values for implementation-dependent char-
acteristics are shown in Table 3-5.
Note that the assembly code specifies the true displace-
ment, and not the value to be scaled. For example,
‘ld32d(–8) r3’ loads a 32-bit value from address (r3 – 8).
This is encoded in the binary operation pattern as a –2 in
the seven-bit field by the assembler. At runtime, the
scale factor four is applied to reconstruct the intended
displacement of –8.
Software Compatibility
The DSPCPU architecture expressly does not support
binary compatibility between family members. The ANSI
C compiler ensures that all family members are compat-
ible at the source-code level.
This mechanism allows precise exception identification
in the context of our multi-issue microprocessor core—
where many floating point operations may issue simul-
taneously—at the expense of additional operations
generated by the compiler. It also allows the compiler to
issue compute operations speculatively and compute
exceptions precisely.
Table 3-3. Special Float Value Representation
self generated qNaN
result of operation
on any NaN argu-
argument | 0x00400000 (forcing the
NaN to be quiet)
signalling NaN
never generated by TM1300, accepted
as per IEEE-754
Table 3-4. Addressing Modes
Applies to
R[i] + scaled(#j)
Load & Store
R[i] + R[k]
Load only
R[i] + scaled(R[k])
Load only
Scaled index
Table 3-5. Minimum values for implementation-
dependent addressing mode components
Minimum Range
‘i’ and ‘k’
0..127 (i.e., each implementation has at least 128
-64..63 (i.e., displacements will be at least 7 bits
long and signed)