Philips Semiconductors
Image Coprocessor
spective images. The height and width are 16-bit positive
binary numbers between 0 and 64K-1.
The Integer increment and Fraction increment values are
the scaling parameters. The Integer value is a 16-bit in-
teger, and the Fraction value is a positive binary fraction
between 0 and 0.99999+. For up scaling (output image
bigger), the increment value is the inverse of the scaling
value. If you are upscaling by a factor of 2.5, the incre-
ment value will be the inverse of 2.50 = 0.40. The Integer
increment value will be 0 and the Fraction increment val-
ue will be 0.40. For down scaling, the increment value is
equal to the scaling value. If you are down scaling by 2.5
(output image smaller), the Integer increment value will
be 2, and the Fraction increment value will be 0.500.
To perform scaling, the Integer and Fractional increment
values must be generated and placed in the parameter
table. The simplest way to generate these values in com-
mon computer languages such as C is as follows:
1. Generate the Increment Value as a oating point
number = Input Width / Output Width
2. Multiply the Increment Value by 65536
3. Convert the result to a Long Integer (32 bits). The up-
per 16 bits of the Long integer will be the Integer in-
crement value, and the lower 16 bits will be the Frac-
tional value.
4. Store the 32-bit Long integer in the parameter table as
the combined Integer and Fractional increment val-
The Start Fraction defines the starting value in the scal-
ing counter for each line. It is a 16-bit, two’s complement
fractional value between -0.500 and +0.49999. The Start
Fraction allows the input data to be offset by up to half a
pixel, referred to the input pixel grid. It is ‘0’ for Y and for
UV co-sited data, and set to ‘-0.25’ (C000h) for inter-
spersed to co-sited conversion of U and V data. The ‘-
0.25’ value effectively shifts the U and V data toward the
start of the line by 1/4 pixel, the amount required for con-
Control word format
The Control word provides bit fields which affect the hor-
izontal filtering operation. The format of the Control word
is as follows.
Bypass lter. Picks nearest input pixel
and passes it to output unltered.
When Bypass is set & scale factor is
1.0, this results in an image block
Large down-scaling bit. Picks nearest
input pixels and passes them to lter.
Equivalent to bypass + 5-tap lter of
output pixels. LSB value = 0 for lter-
The Bypass bit causes the data to bypass the 5-tap filter.
The scaling operation selects the center pixel, and this
pixel is passed to the filter output. No filtering or interpo-
lation is provided. If the scaling factor is ‘1.0’, the result is
an image block move where the image is moved from
one part of SDRAM to another without modification. If the
scaling factor is other than ‘1.0’, the effective algorithm is
pixel picking, where the input pixel nearest the output
pixel location is used as the output pixel.
The GETB bit is an optional bit for large (> 4) down scal-
ing. When GETB is ‘0’ (normal operation), the 5-tap filter
receives the pixel nearest the output pixel as its center
pixel plus the two adjacent input pixels on either side of
this pixel to form the five filter inputs. When GETB is set,
the filter receives the pixel nearest the output pixel as its
center pixel plus the two pixels nearest the adjacent out-
put pixels on either side of this pixel to form the five filter
inputs. The effective algorithm is pixel picking plus 5-tap
filtering of the result. GETB also forces the scaling LSB
value to ‘0’, since output pixels are being filtered and no
Table 14-13. Horizontal lter parameter table
Parameter Word
Upper 2 bytes
Lower 2 bytes
Input image start address
Start address of X0Y0 (byte address)
Y counter
Start fraction
Input image
Line offset
Starting value: may be 0.5, etc. for interspersed convert;
Line offset from X0Y0 to X0Y1
Fraction increment
Integer increment
Increment value for Y = 1/scale factor
Input image height
Input image Width
Height and width in input lines and pixels
Output image start address
Start address of X0Y0 (byte address)
Output Image
Line offset
Control bits; Line offset from X0Y0 to X0Y1
Output image height
Output image width
Height and width in output lines and pixels