TM1300 Data Book
Philips Semiconductors
interpolation is used. (See Section 14.5.2, “Filtering”)
This is shown in Figure 14-18.
14.6.10 Vertical Filter - SDRAM to SDRAM
This routine performs vertical scaling and filtering of one
component (Y, U or V) of an N x M image from one loca-
tion in SDRAM to another. Algorithms
The routine reads image data from SDRAM using the Y
address counter, scales and filters the data in the vertical
direction, and writes it back to the SDRAM using the Z
address counter. The 5-tap filter scales and filters the da-
ta. The U LSB register is used as the scaling coefficient
register. The U LSB Increment value supplied by the pa-
rameter table determines the scaling. Lines at the top
and bottom of the image are mirrored to provide the extra
line data needed by the 5-tap filter.
The routine reads and writes data in 64-byte (one
SDRAM block) columns of pixels until the entire image is
transferred. For each column, line segments of 64 pixels
are processed until the entire column has been pro-
cessed. Each 64-pixel line segment generated requires
five vertically adjacent 64-pixel line segments as input to
the 5-tap filter. The routine processes the image in pixel
columns to eliminate redundant read of input pixel data:
each new line segment typically requires reading only
one new 64 byte line segment.
The routine processes data in 64-pixel blocks, corre-
sponding to the input block buffer sizes. Five buffers are
used in processing the current line segment, while the
sixth buffer reads in the next line segment in overlap with
current processing. Parameter table
The parameter table, as shown in Figure 14-19, supplies
the input and output starting addresses and offsets, the
image height in lines and width in pixels, and the scale
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1920
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
P2N = F(10, 11, 12, 13, 14)
P2L = F(2, 7, 12, 17, 22)
21 22 23 24 25
Normal Down Scaling
Large Down Scaling
Input Pixels
Output Pixels
Input Pixels
Output Pixels
Figure 14-18. Normal vs. Large down scaling for scale factor = 5.0
Figure 14-19. Vertical filter parameter table
Parameter Word
Upper 2 bytes
Lower 2 bytes
Input image start address
Start address of X0Y0 (byte address)
U counter
Start fraction
Input image
Line offset
Starting value: may be 0.5, etc. for interspersed convert;
Line offset from X0Y0 to X0Y1
Fraction increment
Integer increment
Increment value for U = 1/scale factor
Input image height
Input image width
Height and width in input lines and pixels
Output image start address
Start address of X0Y0 (byte address)
Output image
Line offset
Control Word; Line offset from X0Y0 to X0Y1
Output image height
Output Image Width
Height and width in output lines and pixels