When the Tx and Rx clock are
not synchronous, FIFO’s are usu-
ally used to cross the frequency
domains. The size of the FIFO
and the frequency difference
determine the maximum packet
size of transmission.
When the clock from the Tx is
synchronous with the Rx clock,
data can be transmitted continu-
ously without FIFO’s since the
parallel output data is synchro-
nous with the local REFCLK.
However, due to link distance and
other physical variables, the rela-
tive phase of the REFCLK to the
recovered data is unpredictable.
Because of this unknown phase,
the sampling of the recovered
word must be adjusted so that the
internal setup/hold times are not
violated. Furthermore, in a multi-
channel system, the setting of the
phase must be consistent so that
time slots across the channels
are preserved.
The PASS system was designed to
address these issues by sensing
the phase difference between the
local REFCLK with the recovered
clock, and shifts the phase of
the parallel output data with the
DELAY block, such that it can be
clocked out with the rising edge
static valid code-field bits being
embedded within the data-field.
Enhanced simplex mode can be
turned off (ESMPXENB=0) to
make it compatible with
previous versions of G-Link.
With this mode turned off and
TXFLGENB=1, the flag bit is
sent unscrambled to the Rx.
If TXFLGENB=0, the flag
bit will alternate at the Tx.
When RXFLGENB=0, the Rx
will use this alternating flag for
error checking.
Parallel Automatic Synchronization
System (Pass)
As shown in Figure 4, this system
consists of three blocks: the
parallel delay block (DELAY),
the output latch block (OUTPUT
LATCH), and the synchronization
logic block (SYNC LOGIC). This
system was designed to provide
a simple interface to the parallel
outputs for a synchronous system.
Traditionally, the parallel outputs
are clocked out with the falling
edge of RXCLK1 as shown in
Figure 4.1. Since this clock is
recovered from the serial data,
this clock is synchronous with
the remote clock at the Tx.
Demultiplexer (DEMUX)
This block takes the recovered
serial data from the CDR block
and demultiplexes it into a 20-bit
parallel word comprised of a
16-bit word-field and 4-bit
Decoder (DECODE)
This block decodes the 4-bit
code-field and determines
whether the 16-bit word-field is:
normal or inverted; data, control,
or idle words; or errors. The
flag bit is also decoded from
the data word.
Word Alignment (WORD ALIGN)
This block detects the error out-
put of the decoder block. Upon
detecting two consecutive errors,
WORD ALIGN requests a bit
adjustment to the clock generator
(assuming WSYNCDSB=0).
If enhanced simplex mode is
engaged (ESMPXENB=1), the
Word Align block looks for a
transition in the scrambled flag
bit over a window of 32 words.
If a transition is not detected,
WORD ALIGN requests a bit
adjustment to the clock generator
(assuming WSYNCDSB=0).
When the bit adjustment output
has been low for 64 up to 128
words, the RXREADY output goes
high. If the bit adjustment output
goes high, RXREADY
immediately goes low.
Flag Descrambler
This block descrambles the flag
bit if the enhanced simplex mode
is engaged (ESMPXENB=1); oth-
erwise, the flag bit is unaltered.
Scrambling ensures that the flag
bit is dynamic and thus can be
detected by the word alignment
block. Scrambling of the flag
bit provides an extra level of
protection to guard against im-
proper word alignment caused by
Figure 4.1. Traditional G-Link configuration with PASS disabled (PASSENB=0).
Recovered data words and RXCLK0/1 are synchronous with TXCLK.