Philips Semiconductors
Enhanced Video Out
1. Assign a DDS frequency. This starts the DDS. Allow
for at least 31 DSPCPU cycles for the DDS frequency
setting to take effect.
2. Choose a value for PLL_S and PLL_T. For 8-40 MHz
operation, a value of 1 (which selects division by 2) is
3. Choose a value for CLOCK_SELECT. For 8-81 MHz
operation, CLOCK_SELECT = 00 is recommended.
4. Assign values to the VO_CTL register containing the
above choices. The rst assignment with
CLOCK_SELECT not equal to 0x3 enables the PLL
system. Allow for a maximum of 50 microseconds to
achieve lock.
Once the PLL is locked, small changes to the DDS fre-
quency are allowed, and the VO_CLK output will
smoothly track the frequency change.
Note: Most consumer electronics equipment imposes
very high precision requirements on the value of the col-
or burst frequency. A video encoder will derive the color
burst frequency from VO_CLK. When changing the
VO_CLK frequency in software to phase-lock the EVO to
a master reference, special care is required to keep the
color burst signal frequency within a tolerance of about
50 ppm. When using a Philips DENC (Digital Encoder),
the color burst frequency is derived from the master
DENC frequency by a programmable synthesizer on the
DENC chip. In this case, VO_CLK changes larger than
50 ppm are allowed by changing the DENC synthesizer
over its I2C interface to compensate for the VO_CLK
Table 7-11 illustrates recommended settings.
Table 7-11. DDS and PLL example settings
DDS frequency
4 – 10 MHz
8 – 20 MHz
1 (divide by 2)
01 (T divider)
Custom low speed video
8 – 45 MHz
1 (divide by 2)
00 (VCO)
Standard or 16:9 digital video
40 – 81 MHz
20 – 40.5 MHz
1 (divide by 2)
3 (divide by 4)
00 (VCO)
High pixel rate custom video