TM1300 Data Book
Philips Semiconductors
during this acknowledge period. The master must always
generate the SCL transitions for the acknowledge bit
Two types of data transfers are supported by the
TM1300 I2C interface:
Data transfer from a master transmitter to a slave
receiver, also called a WRITE operation. The master
rst transmits a 1-byte slave address, then the
desired number of data bytes. The slave receiver
returns an acknowledge bit after each byte. The mas-
ter terminates the transaction by a STOP after the
last byte.
Data transfer from slave transmitter to master
receiver, also called a READ operation. The rst byte
(the slave address) is transmitted by the master and
acknowledged by the slave. The selected slave trans-
mits successive data bytes which are each acknowl-
edged by the master, except the last byte desired by
the master, for which the master generates a ‘notack’
condition. This causes the slave to terminate byte
release the bus so that the master may generate a
STOP condition.
The type of transaction is indicated by the LSbit of the
address byte. Data transfer from a master transmitter to
a slave receiver is called a WRITE. It is signified by a ‘0’
in the LSbit of the address byte. Data transfer from a
slave transmitter to a master receiver is called a READ.
It is signified by a ‘1’ in the LSBit of the address byte.
Example steps for successful programming of the I2C in-
terface on TM1300 are outlined as follows for both reads
and writes. Enable the I2C interface prior to attempting
any accesses to external I2C devices.
To enable the interface:
Set bit IIC_CR.ENABLE (0x10340c) = 1
For write addressing mode:
1. On entry, clear any possible I2C interrupt sources by
writing IIC_CR bits [25:22] = ‘1111’. (Note that pro-
grammers must mask and enable high-level interrupt
sources through the VIC facility in the DSPCPU. See
the appropriate TM1300 databook chapter).
2. Enable desired I2C interrupt sources by setting
IIC_CR[31:28] bits appropriately.
3. Simultaneously load IIC_AR[31:25] with 7-bit slave
address, IIC_AR.DIRECTION = 0 and IIC_AR[15:8]
with the appropriate bytecount for the transfer.
4. Load IIC_DR[31:0] with data for the write. Note that
writing this register triggers the transfer across the I2C
bus.Up to 4 bytes will be transferred after writing, de-
pendent on bytecount in IIC_AR[8:15}.Transfers of
more than 4 bytes have to be done by breaking them
down into a sequence of 4-byte transfers and a last
transfer which may be less than 4 bytes. This is done
by repeatedly reloading the register until the byte-
count is fullled. Transfer is done high byte rst, pro-
ceeding to low byte.
5. Detect I2C resulting condition code in IIC_SR[31:28]
and respond - OR - Detect I2C high level interrupt and
respond. (Note that this last step is dependent upon
system software requirements).
6. If transfer count is not yet fullled, clear GDI and FI
bits and proceed with step iv) until all data is written.
For read addressing mode:
1. On entry, clear any possible I2C interrupt sources by
writing IIC_CR bits [25:22] = ‘1111’. (Note that pro-
grammers must mask and enable high level interrupt
sources through the VIC facility in the DSPCPU. See
the appropriate databook chapter).
2. Enable desired I2C interrupt sources by setting
IIC_CR[31:28] bits appropriately.
3. Simultaneously load IIC_AR[31:25] with 7-bit slave
address, IIC_AR.DIRECTION = 1 and IIC_AR[15:8]
with the appropriate bytecount for the transfer. Note
that writing this register triggers the read across the
I2C bus.
4. Detect I2C resulting condition in IIC_SR[31:28] and
respond - OR - Detect I2C interrupt and respond.
(Note that this last step is dependent upon system
software requirements.)
5. Clear GDI and FI bits and read the contents of
IIC_DR. Up to 4 bytes will be available in IIC_DR, fe-
ver if the remaining bytecount was less than 4. Bytes
are stored high byte rst, proceeding to low byte.
6. Proceed with step iv) until all data is read, i.e byte-
count is fullled.
Slave NAK
If a slave device does not generate an ACK where re-
quired, this is considered a NAK. Upon receipt of a NAK
after transmitting a device address or data byte, the mas-
ter takes the following actions:
the I2C state becomes IDLE (STATE = 000)
a STOP condition is issued on the bus
no more data is sent