User’s Manual U17473EJ2V0UD
(5) Setting STT0 and SPT0 (bits 1 and 0 of IICC0) again after they are set and before they are cleared to 0 is
(6) When transmission is reserved, set SPIE0 (bit 4 of IICL0) to 1 so that an interrupt request is generated when
the stop condition is detected. Transfer is started when communication data is written to IIC0 after the interrupt
request is generated. Unless the interrupt is generated when the stop condition is detected, the device stops
in the wait state because the interrupt request is not generated when communication is started. However, it is
not necessary to set SPIE0 to 1 when MSTS0 (bit 7 of IICS0) is detected by software.
17.5.16 Communication operations
The following shows three operation procedures with the flowchart.
(1) Master operation in single master system
The flowchart when using the 78K0/LG2 as the master in a single master system is shown below.
This flowchart is broadly divided into the initial settings and communication processing. Execute the initial
settings at startup. If communication with the slave is required, prepare the communication and then execute
communication processing.
(2) Master operation in multimaster system
In the I
2C bus multimaster system, whether the bus is released or used cannot be judged by the I2C bus
specifications when the bus takes part in a communication. Here, when data and clock are at a high level for a
certain period (1 frame), the 78K0/LG2 takes part in a communication with bus released state.
This flowchart is broadly divided into the initial settings, communication waiting, and communication processing.
The processing when the 78K0/LG2 looses in arbitration and is specified as the slave is omitted here, and only
the processing as the master is shown. Execute the initial settings at startup to take part in a communication.
Then, wait for the communication request as the master or wait for the specification as the slave. The actual
communication is performed in the communication processing, and it supports the transmission/reception with
the slave and the arbitration with other masters.
(3) Slave operation
An example of when the 78K0/LG2 is used as the I
2C bus slave is shown below.
When used as the slave, operation is started by an interrupt. Execute the initial settings at startup, then wait
for the INTIIC0 interrupt occurrence (communication waiting).
When an INTIIC0 interrupt occurs, the
communication status is judged and its result is passed as a flag over to the main processing.
By checking the flags, necessary communication processing is performed.