M16C/28 Group
Under development Preliminary specification
Specifications in this manual are tentative and subject to change.
17. Programmable I/O Ports
Rev.0.60 2004.02.01
page 270 of N
17. Programmable I/O Ports
The programmable input/output ports (hereafter referred to simply as “I/O ports”) consist of 71 lines P0,
P1,P2, P3, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10 (except P94) for the 80-pin version, or 55 lines P00 to P03, P15 to P17, P2,
P30 to P33, P6, P7, P8, P90 to P93, P10 for the 64-pin version. Each port can be set for input or output every
line by using a direction register, and can also be chosen to be or not be pulled high in sets of 4 lines.
Figures 17.1 to 17.5 show the I/O ports. Figure 17.6 shows the I/O pins.
Each pin functions as an I/O port, a peripheral function input/output.
For details on how to set peripheral functions, refer to each functional description in this manual. If any pin
is used as a peripheral function input, set the direction bit for that pin to “0” (input mode). Any pin used as an
output pin for peripheral functions is directed for output no matter how the corresponding direction bit is set.
17.1 Port Pi Direction Register (PDi Register, i = 0 to 3, 6 to 10)
Figure 17.1.1 shows the direction registers.
This register selects whether the I/O port is to be used for input or output. The bits in this register corre-
spond one for one to each port.
17.2 Port Pi Register (Pi Register, i = 0 to 3, 6 to 10)
Figure 17.2.1 shows the Pi registers.
Data input/output to and from external devices are accomplished by reading and writing to the Pi register.
The Pi register consists of a port latch to hold the output data and a circuit to read the pin status. For ports
set for input mode, the input level of the pin can be read by reading the corresponding Pi register, and
data can be written to the port latch by writing to the Pi register.
For ports set for output mode, the port latch can be read by reading the corresponding Pi register, and
data can be written to the port latch by writing to the Pi register. The data written to the port latch is output
from the pin. The bits in the Pi register correspond one for one to each port.
17.3 Pull-up Control Register 0 to Pull-up Control Register 2 (PUR0 to PUR2 Regis-
Figure 17.3.1 shows the PUR0 to PUR2 registers.
The PUR0 to PUR2 register bits can be used to select whether or not to pull the corresponding port high
in 4 bit units. The port chosen to be pulled high has a pull-up resistor connected to it when the direction bit
is set for input mode.
17.4 Port Control Register
Figure 17.4.1 shows the port control register.
When the P1 register is read after setting the PCR register’s PCR0 bit to “1”, the corresponding port latch
can be read no matter how the PD1 register is set.