ColdFire2/2M User’s Manual
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— Not laid out
— Has a defined test scheme
— Simulation test fixture is provided
Parameterizable Module
— Alterable via insertion of predefined parameters
— Behavioral model
— Definition of parameters defines test scheme
— Customer selects parameter values and Motorola synthesizes the design
The ColdFire2/2M is available as a hard module only.
There are several steps that must be followed in order to create a FlexCore integrated mi-
croprocessor with a ColdFire2/2M.
Figure 1-2
illustrates the standard cell design flow. These
steps include:
Schematic capture on workstation—Use the engineering workstation to implement the
required system functions with a ColdFire2/2M, memory blocks, peripherals, and cells
from the Motorola standard cell library.
Verilog modules—Optionally use Verilog to implement complex user modules or
system interconnect of standard cells.
Generate test patterns—Generate the stimulus and test patterns for the design to be
used during functional simulation.
Module compilation—Use Motorola software to generate compiled modules (SRAM,
ROM, etc.)
Functional simulation—Ensure that the logic of the system is functionally sound by
simulating the design. (No timing information is yet associated with the simulations, and
all propagation delays are preset to a unit delay.)
Logic synthesis—The behavioral and structural level description of the design is
mapped to a more efficient structural description using Synopsys. This final description
is a netlist of standard cell components.
Electrical rule check—Motorola software verifies the electrical integrity of the design.
This includes checking connectivity, fan-out, edge rates, and other electrical rules.
Calculate node delays— Motorola software calculates the estimated propagation
delays of each node in the circuit. The design software estimates delays based on the
fanout, input rise/fall times, drive characteristics, and estimated interconnect
capacitances of the netlist.
Path delay analysis—With path delay information, the delays between the clocked
elements of the circuit can be determined, and the critical paths that limit the clock rate
can be identified. Checking for setup, hold, and pulse-width violations can also be
Perform real-time simulation—The real-time simulation is run to verify full functionality
using the estimated propagation delays calculated by the design tools.
Package and pinout definition—Develop the package and pin definition file.
Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.