1/2 bias, 1/2 duty output waveform, example of...479
1/3 bias, 1/3 duty output waveform, example of...482
1/3 bias, 1/4 duty output waveform, example of...485
16-bit data on RAM, storage of ..............................30
16-bit data on stack, storage of..............................31
16-bit operand, storage of......................................30
16-bit timer/counter and vector table,
register related to interrupts of...................243
16-bit timer/counter, block diagram of..................236
16-bit timer/counter, block diagram of pin
related to....................................................238
16-bit timer/counter, note on using.......................249
16-bit timer/counter, pin related to .......................238
16-bit timer/counter, register related to ................239
8/16-bit timer/counter interrupt.............................218
8/16-bit timer/counter, block diagram of...............203
8/16-bit timer/counter, note on using....................229
8-bit receiving operation at operation mode 1......357
8-bit transmitting operation at operation mode 1..359
8-segment LCD panel and display data example
(1/4 duty driving method), connection
example of .................................................487
A/D control register 1 (ADC1)...............................274
A/D control register 2 (ADC2)...............................276
A/D conversion function .......................................266
A/D conversion function, interrupt for...................281
A/D conversion function, operation of ..................283
A/D conversion function, program example of .....286
A/D conversion function, starting .........................282
A/D converter interrupt, register and vector
table related to ...........................................281
A/D converter, block diagram of...........................267
A/D converter, note on using................................284
A/D data register (ADDH, ADDL).........................278
A/D enable register 1 to 2 (ADEN1 to 2)..............279
acknowledge ................................................393, 433
address comparison enable register (WREN)......500
addressing....................................................393, 433
adjusting brightness of LCD when internal
dividing resistor is used..............................460
arbitration .....................................................394, 434
arithmetic instruction ............................................524
arithmetic operation result bit................................. 34
battery 1 to 3 VALID interrupt .............................. 327
baud rate generator reload register (SRC) .......... 344
bit manipulation instruction, read operation
upon the execution of ................................ 521
block diagram of 8/16-bit timer/counter................ 203
block diagram of pin related to 8/16-bit
timer/counter.............................................. 206
block diagram of pin related to I2C...................... 371
block diagram of pin related to
multi-address I2C....................................... 409
block diagram, I2C............................................... 367
block diagram, multi-address I2C ........................ 405
branch instruction................................................. 526
bridge circuit......................................................... 442
bridge circuit block diagram................................. 443
bridge circuit selection register 1 (BRSR1).......... 448
bridge circuit selection register 3 (BRSR3).......... 452
bridge circuit, block diagram of pin related to ...... 445
bridge circuit, pin related to.................................. 444
bridge circuit, registers related to......................... 447
bridge selection register 2 (BRSR2) .................... 450
clock controller, block diagram of........................... 62
clock generator ...................................................... 60
clock mode, operating state of............................... 67
clock supply function.................................... 161, 186
clock supply function, operation of............... 167, 193
clock supply map ................................................... 58
clock timeout................................................ 396, 436
comparator 1, voltage comparators 2 to 7
interrupt...................................................... 327
comparator 2 to 4 interrupt................................... 327
comparator block diagram ................................... 299
comparator control register 1 (COCR1)............... 308
comparator control register 2 (COCR2)............... 310
comparator input enable register (CIER)............. 325
comparator interrupt control register 1 (CICR1)... 315
comparator interrupt control register 2 (CICR2)... 319
comparator status register 1 (COSR1) ................ 312
comparator status register 2 (COSR2) ................ 317
comparator status register 3 (COSR3) ................ 321