Page 213
Rev. 09/01/99
Time Calendar and Alarm
The processor program obtains time and
calendar information by reading the appropriate
locations. The program may initialize the time,
calendar and alarm by writing to these locations.
The contents of the 10 time, calendar and alarm
bytes can be in binary or BCD as shown in Table
Before initializing the internal registers, the SET
bit in Register B should be set to a "1" to prevent
time/calendar updates from occurring. The
program initializes the 10 locations in the binary
or BCD format as defined by the DM bit in
Register B. The SET bit may then be cleared to
allow updates.
The 12/24 bit in Register B establishes whether
the hour locations represent 1 to 12 or 0 to 23.
The 12/24 bit cannot be changed without
reinitializing the hour locations. When the 12
hour format is selected, the high order bit of the
hours byte represents PM when it is a "1".
Once per second, the 10 time, calendar and
alarm bytes are switched to the update logic to
be advanced by one second and to check for an
alarm condition. If any of the 10 bytes are read
at this time, the data outputs are undefined. The
update cycle time is shown in Table 67. The
update logic contains circuitry for automatic
end-of-month recognition as well as automatic
leap year compensation.
The three alarm bytes may be used in two ways.
First, when the program inserts an alarm time in
the appropriate hours, minutes and seconds
alarm locations, the alarm interrupt is initiated at
the specified time each day if the alarm enable
bit is high. The second usage is to insert a "don't
care" state in one or more of three alarm bytes.
The "don't care" code is any hexadecimal byte
from C0 to FF inclusive. That is the two most
significant bits of each byte, when set to "1"
create a "don't care" situation. An alarm interrupt
each hour is created with a "don't care" code in
the hours alarm location. Similarly, an alarm is
generated every minute with "don't care" codes
in the hours and minutes alarm bytes. The "don't
care" codes in all three alarm bytes create an
interrupt every second.