Page 119
Rev. 09/01/99
Mode Switching/Software Control
Software will execute P1284 negotiation and all
operation prior to a data transfer phase under
programmed I/O control (mode 000 or 001).
Hardware provides an automatic control line
handshake, moving data between the FIFO and
the ECP port only in the data transfer phase
(modes 011 or 010).
Setting the mode to 011 or 010 will cause the
hardware to initiate data transfer.
If the port is in mode 000 or 001 it may switch to
any other mode. If the port is not in mode 000 or
001 it can only be switched into mode 000 or 001.
The direction can only be changed in mode 001.
Once in an extended forward mode the software
should wait for the FIFO to be empty before
switching back to mode 000 or 001. In this case
all control signals will be deasserted before the
mode switch. In an ecp reverse mode the
software waits for all the data to be read from the
FIFO before changing back to mode 000 or 001.
Since the automatic hardware ecp reverse
handshake only cares about the state of the FIFO
it may have acquired extra data which will be
discarded. It may in fact be in the middle of a
transfer when the mode is changed back to 000 or
001. In this case the port will deassert nAutoFd
independent of the state of the transfer. The
design shall not cause glitches on the handshake
signals if the software meets the constraints
ECP Operation
Prior to ECP operation the Host must negotiate on
the parallel port to determine if the peripheral
supports the ECP protocol. This is a somewhat
complex negotiation carried out under program
control in mode 000.
After negotiation, it is necessary to initialize some
of the port bits. The following are required:
Set Direction = 0, enabling the drivers.
Set strobe = 0, causing the nStrobe signal to
default to the deasserted state.
Set autoFd = 0, causing the nAutoFd signal
to default to the deasserted state.
Set mode = 011 (ECP Mode)
ECP address/RLE bytes or data bytes may be
sent automatically by writing the ecpAFifo or
ecpDFifo respectively.
Note that all FIFO data transfers are byte wide
and byte aligned. Address/RLE transfers are
byte-wide and only allowed in the forward
The host may switch directions by first switching
to mode = 001, negotiating for the forward or
reverse channel, setting direction to “1” or “0”,
then setting mode = 011. When direction is 1 the
hardware shall handshake for each ECP read
data byte and attempt to fill the FIFO. Bytes may
then be read from the ecpDFifo as long as it is
not empty.
ECP transfers may also be accomplished (albeit
slowly) by handshaking individual bytes under
program control in mode = 001, or 000.
Termination from ECP Mode
Termination from ECP Mode is similar to the
termination from Nibble/Byte Modes. The host is
permitted to terminate from ECP Mode only in
specific well-defined states. The termination can
only be executed while the bus is in the forward
direction. To terminate while the channel is in the
reverse direction, it must first be transitioned into
the forward direction.