Philips Semiconductors
PNX15xx Series
Volume 1 of 1
Chapter 23: LAN100 — Ethernet Media Access Controller
Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2006. All rights reserved.
Product data sheet
Rev. 3 — 17 March 2006
Figure 7 depicts the memory transactions and the transactions on the MII interface
for this example.
Each byte transferred from memory is transmitted across the MII Interface as a byte,
and the MII interface hardware adds the preamble, frame delimiter leader, and the
CRC trailer, if hardware CRC is enabled. Once transmission on the MII Interface
commences, the transmission cannot be interrupted without generating an underrun
error, which is why descriptors and data read commands are issued as soon as
possible and are pipelined. In 10Mb/s and 100Mb/s mode, the output signals look
similar, but in 10Mb/s mode, the transmit clock is scaled down by a factor 10.
In case an RMII PHY is connected, the data communication between the MII
Interface and the PHY is communicated at half the data-width and twice the clock
frequency (50 MHz). In
Figure 7, the frequency of the
MII transmit data signal will be
doubled in the 100Mb/s mode. In 10Mb/s mode, data will only be transmitted once
every 10 clock cycles (an clock gate disables the 50MHz clock for the intervening nine
5.5 Receive process
This section outlines the receive process including the activities in the device driver
Figure 7:
Transmit example waves
MMIO cmd.
MMIO write data
Descriptor read cmd.
Descriptor read data
Descriptor read last
Data read command
Data read data
Data read last
MII transmit data
Write status cmd.
Status write data
Write status last
Write status tag
Status write tag ack.
MMIO write produce index 3
Descriptor read data returned
Issue data read
Issue data
Start transmission
Issue descriptor read and
status write commands
Write rst
fragment status
Tag status
End transmission
Wait for tag acknowledge