Philips Semiconductors
PNX15xx Series
Volume 1 of 1
Chapter 15: Audio Output
Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2006. All rights reserved.
Product data sheet
Rev. 3 — 17 March 2006
It is legal to program the control eld positions within the frame such that CC1 and
CC2 overlap each other and/or left and right data elds. If two elds are dened to
start at the same bit position, the priority is left (highest), right, CC1 then CC2. The
eld with the highest priority will be emitted starting at the conicting bit position. If a
f2 is dened to start at a bit position i that falls within a eld f1 starting at a lower
bit position,
f2 will be emitted starting from i and the rest of f1 will be lost. Any bit
positions not belonging to a data or control eld will be emitted as zero.
If a eld is dened to start at a bit position such that the end of the eld goes beyond
the end of the frame, the data beyond the end of the frame (as dened by the active
edge of WS) is lost.
Figure 5 shows a 64-bit frame suitable for use with the CS4218 codec. It is obtained
CLOCK_EDGE=1, WS_PULSE=1, CC1_POS= 16, CC1_EN=1, CC2_POS=48 and
Note that frames are generated (externally or internally) even when
TRANS_ENABLE is de-asserted. Writes to CC1 and CC2 should only be done after
TRANS_ENABLE is asserted. The ‘rst’ CC values will then go out on the next frame.
2.8 Data Bus Latency and HBE
The Audio Out unit relies on the FIFO buffers within the DMA interface adapter as
well as an output holding register that holds a single mono sample or single stereo
sample pair. For Audio Out there are four separate stereo output channels and each
output channel has one output holding register. The holding register width is 64 bits.
Under normal operation, the DMA interface adapter provides samples from memory
fast enough to avoid any missing samples. Meanwhile, data is being emitted from one
64-byte hardware buffer and holding register. If the data bus arbiter is set up with an
insufcient latency guarantee, the situation can arise that the hardware FIFO buffer
within the DMA interface adapter is not relled in time and the buffer and holding
register are exhausted by the time a new output sample is due. In that case the HBE
ag is raised to indicate a bandwidth error. The last sample for each channel will be
repeated until the buffer is refreshed. The HBE condition is sticky and can only be
cleared by an explicit ACK_HBE. This condition indicates an incorrect setting of the
data bus bandwidth arbiter.
Table 6 shows the maximum tolerable latency for a number of common operating
modes. The right most column in the table indicates the maximum tolerable latency
for Audio Out under normal operating condition. To sustain error free audio playback,
one 64-byte DMA transfer must be completed within the maximum latency period
Figure 5:
Example Codec Frame Layout for a Crystal Semiconductor CS4218
15 16
31 32
47 48
62 63
left data n+1(16)
right channel data n(16)
left channel datan (16)