The QVCP (Quality Video Composition Processor) is a high-resolution image
composition and processing pipeline that facilitates both graphics and video
processing. In combination with several other modules, it provides a new generation
of graphics and video capability, far exceeding the older standards. QVCP provides
its advanced functionality using a series of layers and mixers; a series of display-data
layers (pixel streams) are created and logically mixed in sequence to render the
composite output picture.
The PNX15xx Series hosts one QVCP module. The display processor (QVCP)
contains a total number of two layers and is mainly intended to be connected to a TV,
a monitor or an LCD panel. Due to the independence of the layers, a number of
different scenarios is possible. However, in general, the QVCP has been designed to
mix one video plane and one graphic plane. It can therefore be used to display a fully
composited video image consisting of PIP(s), menu(s), and other graphical
In this document, the words surface or plane are used to replace layer depending on
the context.
QVCP supports a whole range of progressive and interlaced display standards: for
televisions, from standard-denition resolutions such as PAL or NTSC to all eighteen
ATSC display formats such as 1080i or 720p, and for computer and LCD displays,
from VGA to W-XGA resolutions at 60 Hz. The wide variety of output modes
guarantees the compatibility with most display-processor chips.
In order to achieve high-quality video and graphics as demanded by future consumer
products, a number of complex tasks need to be performed by the QVCP. The main
functions of the video and graphics output pipeline are listed below:
Fetching of up to two image surfaces from memory
Color expansion in case of non-full color or indexed data formats
Reverse-gamma correction
Video quality enhancement such as luminance sharpening, chroma transient
improvement, histogram modication, skin-tone correction, blue stretch, and
green enhancement.
Horizontal up-scaling for video and graphics images in both linear and panorama
Chapter 11: QVCP
PNX15xx Series Data Book – Volume 1 of 1
Rev. 3 — 17 March 2006
Product data sheet