(1) Released by NMI pin input
When a nonmaskable interrupt is generated by NMI pin input, the halt mode is released regardless of the enable
state (EI) and disable state (DI) for interrupt acceptance.
If the nonmaskable interrupt that released the HALT mode by NMI pin input can be accepted when released from
the HALT mode, and execution branches to the NMI interrupt service program. If it cannot be accepted, the
instruction following the instruction that set the HALT mode (MOV STBC, #byte instruction) is executed. The
nonmaskable interrupt that released the HALT mode is accepted when acceptance is possible. For details about
accepting nonmaskable interrupts, refer to
23.6 Nonmaskable Interrupt Acceptance
Caution The HALT mode cannot be released by watchdog timer.
(2) Released by a maskable interrupt request
The HALT mode released by a maskable interrupt request can only be released by an interrupt where the interrupt
mask flag is 0.
If an interrupt can be accepted when the halt mode is released and the interrupt request enable flag (IE) is set
to one, execution branches to the interrupt service program. If the IE flag is cleared to zero when acceptance
is not possible, execution restarts from the next instruction that sets the HALT mode. For details about interrupt
acceptance, refer to
23.7 Maskable Interrupt Acceptance
A macro service temporarily releases the HALT mode, performs the one-time processing, and returns again to
the HALT mode. If the macro service is only specified several times, the HALT mode is released when the VCIE
bit in the macro service mode register in the macro service control word is cleared to 0.
The operation after this release is identical to the release by the maskable interrupt described earlier. Also when
the VCIE bit is set to 1, the HALT mode is entered again, and the HALT mode is released by the next interrupt