Z8 Microcontrollers
I/O Ports
Select Z8 devices include two independent on-chip analog
comparators. See the device product specification for fea-
ture availability and use. Port 3, Pins P31 and P32 each
have a comparator front end. The comparator reference
voltage, pin P33, is common to both comparators. In Ana-
log Mode, the P31 and P32 are the positive inputs to the
comparators and P33 is the reference voltage supplied to
both comparators. In Digital Mode, pin P33 can be used as
a P33 register input or IRQ1 source. P34, P35, or P37 may
output the comparator outputs by software-programming
the PCON Register bit D0 to 1.
5.8.1 Comparator Description
Two on-board comparators can process analog signals on
P31 and P32 with reference to the voltage on P33. The an-
alog function is enabled by programming the Port 3 Mode
Register (P3M bit 1). For interrupt functions during analog
mode, P31 and P32 can be programmable as rising, fall-
ing, or both edge triggered interrupts (IRQ register bits 6
and bit 7).
P33 cannot generate an external interrupt while in
this mode. P33 can only generate interrupts in the Digital
Port 3 inputs must be in digital mode if Port 3 is a
Stop-Mode Recovery source. The analog comparator is
disabled in STOP mode.
P31 can be used as T
in Analog or Digital Modes, but it
must be referenced to P33, when in Analog Mode.
Figure 5-30. Port 3 Input Analog Selection
0 = Digital Mode P31, P32, P33
1 = Analog Mode P31, P32, P33
Port 3 Mode Register (P3M)
Register F7H
Figure 5-31. Port 3 Comparator Output Selection
0 = P34, P35, or P37 Standard Outputs
1 = P34, P35, or P37 Comparator Outputs
Port Configuration Register (PCON)
Register 00H
ERF Bank F