TIC1–TIC3 — Timer input capture registers
When an edge has been detected and synchronized, the 16-bit free-running counter value is
transferred into the input capture register pair as a single 16-bit parallel transfer. Timer counter
value captures and timer counter incrementing occur on opposite half-cycles of the phase 2 clock
so that the count value is stable whenever a capture occurs. Input capture values can be read from
a pair of 8-bit read-only registers. A read of the high-order byte of an input capture register pair
inhibits a new capture transfer for one bus cycle. If a double-byte read instruction, such as LDD,
is used to read the captured value, coherency is assured. When a new input capture occurs
immediately after a high-order byte read, transfer is delayed for an additional cycle but the value
is not lost.
The TICx registers are not affected by reset.
TI4/O5 — Timer input capture 4/output compare 5
Use TI4/O5 as either an input capture register or an output compare register, depending on the
function chosen for the PA3 pin. To enable it as an input capture pin, set the I4/O5 bit in the pulse
accumulator control register (PACTL) to logic level one. To use it as an output compare register,
set the I4/O5 bit to a logic level zero. Refer to Section 9.6.1.
The TI4/O5 register pair resets to ones ($FFFF).
bit 7
bit 6
bit 5
bit 4
bit 3
bit 2
bit 1
bit 0
on reset
Timer input capture 1 (TIC1) high
(bit 15)
(bit 8) not affected
Timer input capture 1 (TIC1) low
(bit 7)
(bit 0) not affected
Timer input capture 2 (TIC2) high
(bit 15)
(bit 8) not affected
Timer input capture 2 (TIC2) low
(bit 7)
(bit 0) not affected
Timer input capture 3 (TIC3) high
(bit 15)
(bit 8) not affected
Timer input capture 3 (TIC3) low
(bit 7)
(bit 0) not affected
bit 7
bit 6
bit 5
bit 4
bit 3
bit 2
bit 1
bit 0
on reset
Capture 4/compare 5 (TI4/O5) high
(bit 15)
(bit 8) 1111 1111
Capture 4/compare 5 (TI4/O5) low
(bit 7)
(bit 0) 1111 1111