Not Used
No programming required.
Set to zero for proper operation.
Output Select
These bits select which input signals are routed to the 20 output pins AOUT9-0 and BOUT9-0. The signal
selections are listed below in Tables 42A and 42B.
Definition of Signal Bus Names:
Data Signal Busses:
This bus is the I channel soft decision slicer output data, expressed in the data format set
by CW26 bit 7, with one sign bit (ISOFT2) and two soft decision bits.
QSOFT(2:0) This bus is the Q channel soft decision slicer output data, expressed in the data format set
by CW26 bit 7, with one sign bit (QSOFT2) and two soft decision bits.
This bus is the 7 MSB’s of I end symbol sample into the soft decision slicer, in 2’s comple-
ment format. (MSB = Iend7).
This bus is the 7 MSB’s of Q end symbol sample into the soft decision slicer, in 2’s comple-
ment format. (MSB = Qend7).
Status Signal Parameter Busses:
AGC(7:1) . . . . . This bus is the 7 MSB’s of the AGC Accumulator Register. (MSB = AGC7).
MAG (7:0) . . . . This bus is the 8-bit magnitude output of the Cartesian to Polar converter, in unsigned
binary format. (MSB = MAG7).
PHASE (7:0) . . This bus is the 8-bit phase output of the Cartesian to Polar converter, in unsigned binary
format. (MSB = PHASE7).
FE(7:1) . . . . . . This bus is the seven MSB’s of the Frequency Error Detector Output Register, in 2’s
complement format. (MSB = FE7).
GE (7:1) . . . . . This bus is the seven MSB’s of the Gain Error (AGC) Accumulator Register, in 2’s com-
plement format. (MSB = GE7).
TE (7:1) . . . . . This bus is the seven MSB’s of the Bit Phase Error Detector Output Register, in 2’s com-
plement format. (MSB = TE7).
CARPE (7:1) . . This bus is the seven MSB’s of the Carrier Phase Error Detector Output Register, in 2’s
complement format. (MSB = PE7).
LKACC(6:0) . . .ThisbusisthesevenLSB’softhePhaseErrorAccumulatorRegisterintheLockDetector,
in unsigned offset binary format. (MSB = LKACC6) If accumulation bits 14-17 = 1, then
bits 7-13 are output as LKACC(6.0). These outputs are zero otherwise.
LKCNT(6:0) . . This bus is the seven LSB’s of the Integration Counter in the Lock Detector, in one’s
complement format. (MSB = LKCNT6) If bits 7-9 of the accumulator are zero, then bits
0-6 are output as LKCNT(6-0). These outputs are zero otherwise.
NCOCOS(9:0) . This bus is the 10-bit two’s complement output of the DCL NCO, in 2’s complement for-
mat. (MSB = NCOCOS7).
Applications for the Various Output Signals:
ISOFT(2:0) and QSOFT(2:0)
These signals provide a simple interface to a FEC decoder. As the most likely to be used output bus, these
signals are included in all but one of the programmable multiplexer output configurations.
IEND(7:1) and QEND(7:1)
These signals are useful when input to a D/A converter and displayed on an oscilloscope in the X-Y plot.
This will yield the constellation signal display with which analog modem designers are familiar.
These signals can be used in fault detection for use in BIT/BITE applications and are useful during sys-
tem debug
This signal is useful in monitoring the AGC operation, signal detection and antenna tracking applications.
Other single bit signals are provided for direct use in external AGC.
MAG(7:0) and PHASE(7:0)
These signals are useful in signal detection applications, where presence of a signal is represented by a
particular signal magnitude or phase.