Philips Semiconductors
PNX15xx Series
Volume 1 of 1
Chapter 14: FGPI: Fast General Purpose Interface
Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2006. All rights reserved.
Product data sheet
Rev. 3 — 17 March 2006
– a buffer full event has occurred and
– the buffer full interrupt has not been acknowledged and
– the corresponding enable bit is set and
– a new record or message start event has arrived
Capture continues upon receipt of either BUF1FULL_ACK or BUF2FULL_ACK or
OVERRUN condition is ‘sticky’ and can only be cleared by software writing a ‘1’ to the
MBE Interrupt
A Memory Bandwidth Error (MBE) interrupt is generated when received samples can
not be loaded into the main memory adapter FIFO. One or more data samples will be
lost until the adapter FIFO can accept samples. Sample capture resumes at the
correct address.
The MBE condition is ‘sticky’ and can only be cleared by software writing a ‘1’ to the
OVERFLOW Interrupt (Message Passing Mode Only)
If the message length overows the value programmed in the FGPI_REC_SIZE
register, the message is truncated and the FGPI_IR_STATUS.OVERFLOW interrupt
will be generated.
The OVERFLOW condition is ‘sticky’ and can only be cleared by software writing a ‘1’
2.8 Record or Message Counters
The registers FGPI_NREC1 and FGPI_NREC2 count the number of complete
records or messages transferred to memory. The counters are incremented when a
record or message stop event is seen. The counters are cleared to zero when the
associated FGPI_BASEn register is updated.
Reading a FGPI_NRECn register while the associated buffer is active MAY NOT
RETURN THE ACTUAL TRANSFER COUNT (can be less than or equal to the actual
count) due to clock domain crossing logic. The best time to read a FGPI_NRECn
register is during the associated BUFnFULL interrupt service routine as the counter is
not updated during this time.
information on how to use FGPI_NRECn while the associated buffer is active.
2.9 Timestamp
If enabled, by setting FGPI_CTL.TSTAMP_SELECT bit to ‘1’, a 4-byte time-of-arrival
word giving the record or message start event time is written to main memory before
sample data.
The timestamp clock is derived from the main timestamp clock which runs at 13.5
MHz when the GPIO module module is clocked by the 108 MHz clock.