Philips Semiconductors
PNX15xx Series
Volume 1 of 1
Chapter 12: Video Input Processor
Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2006. All rights reserved.
Product data sheet
Rev. 3 — 17 March 2006
0x10 6104
Video test pattern generator
0x10 6140
Video horizontal and vertical acquisition window start
0x10 6144
Video horizontal and vertical acquisition window end
0x10 6160
Pre-Dither control
0x10 6164
Post_Dither control
0x10 6180
Auxiliary horizontal and vertical acquisition window start
0x10 6184
Auxiliary horizontal and vertical acquisition window stop
0x10 6200
Initial zoom for 1st pixel in line (unsigned)
0x10 6204
Horizontal phase control
0x10 6208
Initial zoom delta for 1 pixel in line (signed)
0x10 620C
Zoom delta change (signed)
0x10 6220
Color space matrix coefcients C00 - C02
0x10 6224
Color space matrix coefcients C10 - C12
0x10 6228
Color space matrix coefcients C20 - C22
0x10 622C
Color space matrix offset coefcients D0-D2
0x10 6230
Color space matrix rounding coefcients E0-E2
0x10 6284
Color key components
0x10 6300
Output format and mode
0x10 6304
Target window size
0x10 6340
Target base address DMA #1
0x10 6344
Target line pitch component 1
0x10 6348
Target base address DMA #2
0x10 634C
Target line pitch component 2 and 3
0x10 6350
Target base address DMA #3
0x10 6354
Target base address DMA #4
0x10 6358
Target base address DMA #5
0x10 635C
Target base address DMA #6
0x10 6380
auxiliary capture output format and mode
0x10 6390
Auxiliary capture base address
0x10 6394
Auxiliary capture line pitch
0x10 6800—
Coefcient table for horizontal lter (0-5)
0x10 6FE0
Interrupt status register
0x10 6FE4
Interrupt enable register
0x10 6FE8
Interrupt clear register
0x10 6FEC
Interrupt set register
0x10 6FFC
Module Identication and revision information
Table 9: VIP MMIO Register Summary …Continued