Zoran ZR36506 USBV ision – Datasheet
Zoran Proprietary and Confidential
Features and Benefits
On-Line ( US B, S erial, W ireless) Mode
video conferencing, live video capture and editing, video gaming and
Full-motion, full-color video
Up to 30 frames per second at CIF (352 x 288) resolution; up to 15 frames per second at
VGA (640 x 480) resolution. Live video may be streamed over serial connections (either
wireless or wired) at up to 1 Mbyte/sec. Software controlled digital pan and zoom. Support
for raw and compressed video at variable compression ratios (over USB or non-USB
Simultaneous video and stereo audio capture
Full compatibility with Microsoft DirectShow WDM streaming and popular video
conferencing and video editing software applications.
VGA (640 x 480) resolution TWAIN compatible still image capture
TWAIN compatibility for live still image capture and for control over digital camera flash
memory: preview, transfer or erase pictures.
Easy Plug-and-Play operation
Video camera configuration is stored in external EEPROM. Powered by USB port, with
adjustable USB bandwidth utilization (0.5 – 7.5 Mb/sec).
Off-Line ( S tandalone) Mode
digital still image and audio capture.
Easy digital image and audio clip capture anywhere
Pictures and audio clips are stored on the camera’s flash memory and may be transferred to
a computer or PDA via USB, wireless or other connections. An audio clip may be recorded
for each picture via an integrated microphone.
Large storage capacity
Up to 4 Megabytes of flash memory accommodate up to 120 pictures at 320 x 240 QVGA,
or up to 30 images at high quality, VGA resolution.
Built-in hardware interfaces and support for still digital camera applications
Built-in support for camera Capture and Function buttons. Support for two 7-segment LCD
displays to indicate camera mode or status, and the number of stored images. Low power
consumption and an Auto Power Off feature extend battery life.
Easy firmware upgradeabilty
Microprocessor code updates and expansions may easily be performed via the ZR36506’s
integrated EEPROM.