Zoran ZR36506 USBV ision – Datasheet
Zoran Proprietary and Confidential
In normal operation, the ZR36506 performs following tasks:
Compressed Video Channel
The ZR36506 connects to a Y/U/V digital video source, scales the image horizontally and
vertically on the fly, compresses the data down to 0.5-7.5 Mbit/sec, and sends it to the host
computer via the USB port. The ZR36506 scaler supports zoom-in-like effects by applying
combinations of built-in zooming and cropping functions. This unique compression method is
proprietary to Zoran and allows fast and easy software-only decompression.
The decompression software driver supplied with the ZR36506 will accept compressed data and
convert it back to standard video formats in less time than it would take to read raw video from
any external port. Still images may be captured and sent via USB in the best quality and
resolution that the camera can provide.
Sound System
Some camera applications require that a microphone sound system be implemented inside
the camera. Additionally, composite-video to USB adapter applications require audio
recording support. The ZR36506 provides a solution for these applications by multiplexing
serial digital audio input with video data that is sent via the USB port. The microphone can
be located inside the camera, up to 5 meters away from the host computer. The ZR36506
does not include the audio A/D, and is designed to use an external low-cost telephony audio
Camera Control
Camera (or any video source) control and status monitoring can be carried out via a built-in
serial interface or direct I/O pins. The serial interface supports some common serial
protocols. Control and monitoring software for other remote devices may use these ports as
well. In a video conference application, this feature allows the local or remote user to set the
focus, zoom and other parameters of the camera, and even switch the camera’s power off.
The ZR36506 also supports usage of an external capture button that is mounted on the
camera board and is used for capturing video frames to the host computer hard disk (this is
application dependent - the ZR36506 only delivers the capture command signaling from
button to host computer via USB).