32180 Group User’s Manual (Rev.1.0)
1.1 Outline of the 32180 Group
1.1.2 Built-in Multiplier/Accumulator
(1) Built-in high-speed multiplier
The M32R-FPU contains a 32 bits × 16 bits high-speed multiplier which enables the M32R-FPU to
execute a 32 bits × 32 bits integral multiplication instruction in three CPUCLK periods.
(2) DSP-comparable sum-of-products instructions
The M32R-FPU supports the following four types of sum-of-products calculation instructions (or multipli-
cation instructions) which each can be executed in one CPUCLK period using a 56-bit accumulator.
(1) 16 high-order bits of register × 16 high-order bits of register
(2) 16 low-order bits of register × 16 low-order bits of register
(3) All 32 bits of register × 16 high-order bits of register
(4) All 32 bits of register × 16 low-order bits of register
The M32R-FPU has some special instructions to round the value stored in the accumulator to 16 or
32 bits or shift the accumulator value before storing in a register to have its digits adjusted. Because
these instructions too are executed in one CPUCLK period, when used in combination with high-
speed data transfer instructions such as Load & Address Update or Store & Address Update, they
enable the M32R-FPU to exhibit superior data processing capability comparable to that of a DSP.
1.1.3 Built-in Single-precision FPU
The M32R-FPU supports single-precision floating-point arithmetic fully compliant with IEEE 754 stan-
dards. Specifically, five exceptions specified in IEEE 754 standards (Inexact, Underflow, Division by
Zero, Overflow and Invalid Operation) and four rounding modes (round to nearest, round toward 0,
round toward + Infinity and round toward – Infinity) are supported. What’s more, because general-
purpose registers are used to perform floating-point arithmetic, the overhead associated with trans-
ferring the operand data can be reduced.
1.1.4 Built-in Flash Memory and RAM
The 32180 contains a RAM that can be accessed with zero wait state, allowing to design a high-speed
embedded system.
The internal flash memory can be written to while mounted on a printed circuit board (on-board writ-
ing). Use of flash memory facilitates development work, because the chip used at the development
stage can be used directly in mass-production, allowing for a smooth transition from prototype to
mass-production without the need to change the printed circuit board.
The internal flash memory can be rewritten as many as 100 times.
The internal flash memory has a virtual flash emulation function, allowing the internal RAM to be
superficially mapped into part of the internal flash memory. When combined with the internal Real-
Time Debugger (RTD) and the M32R family’s common debug interface (Scalable Debug Interface or
SDI), this function makes the ROM table data tuning easy.
The internal RAM can be accessed for reading or rewriting data from an external device indepen-
dently of the M32R-FPU by using the Real-Time Debugger. The external device is communicated
using the Real-Time Debugger’s exclusive clock-synchronized serial I/O.