This form (accessed by selecting the “Board Settings” option
under the main menu choice “Configure”) contains
configuration options pertaining to the evaluation board as
opposed to the HSP3824 itself. Be aware that the
components on this form take place immediately (unlike
changes to the “tabbed-notebook” which must be
downloaded to take effect). These configuration options are:
Communication Port
This configuration option allows the user to specify which
communication (printer) port to use when
downloading/uploading the evaluation board.
This radio button directly controls the reset pin on the
This radio button directly controls the RX_PE pin on the
HSP3824. The RX_PE signal enables the Rx operations.
This radio button directly controls the TX_PE pin on the
HSP3824. The TX_PE signal enables the transmit
operations of the HSP3824. At the time that TX_PE is
asserted the HSP3824 will begin packet transmission
starting with preamble and header transmission.
Part Number
This configuration option will allow the user to specify the
part number of the chip. Currently there is only one part
number, so the user shouldn’t need to modify this field.
The following components are available on the HSP3824
Rev. C Evaluation Board only:
Board Selection
This configuration option allows the user to specify which
board identifier to use when downloading/uploading the
evaluation board. This allows the two boards to be
connected without a 2-port switch.
Data Mode
The Rev. C Evaluation Board is capable of generating a data
stream that can be either packetized or continuous. This
option allows the user to select the type of data stream to
use. Rev. C has been designed to simplify packet
performance evaluation (i.e. PER instead of only BER
Packet Length
This configuration option along with the “Data Mode” option
allows the user to specify the length of the packets
generated by the evaluation board.
Self Test Utility
The Evaluation Board software contains a simple self-test
utility to test communication link availability and resiliency. To
run the self-test, select “Self Test” under “Tools” on the main
menu. The self test dialog box will appear which contains
various communication link statistics. To begin the test,
select “constant” or “increasing” and press the Start button.
If the evaluation board is powered on and being clocked
properly, the “Download Attempts,” the “Registers Written”
and the “Reads Required to Verify” data areas should start
to increment.
Download failures are recorded in the list box at the bottom
of the dialog box and in the “Download Failure Count” data
area. A download has failed when four unsuccessful
attempts have been made to download a specific control
register and read back the value.
The section entitled “Reads Required to Verify” displays the
number of reads required to verify that a register has been
downloaded. Download failures do not contribute to the
these statistics.
A “healthy” board/communication link should exhibit no
download failures, a quickly increasing “Registers Written”
and “Reads Required to Verify (1)” data area and an
occasional “Reads Required to Verify (2)” data area
Detailed Description of the Contents of
Each of the Tabbed Pages
The following paragraphs describe the content of each of the
entries and status fields of the user SW pages. The
corresponding HSP3824 Configuration Registers (CR) that
are involved with each of the pages are also cross
referenced. For a more detailed description of these
registers, use the HSP3824 Datasheet (AnswerFAX doc #
Application Note 9615