Rev. 0 | Page 26 of 44
The AD7195 has two differential/four pseudo differential
analog input channels, which can be buffered or unbuffered. In
buffered mode (the BUF bit in the configuration register is set
to 1), the input channel feeds into a high impedance input stage
of the buffer amplifier. Therefore, the input can tolerate signi-
ficant source impedances and is tailored for direct connection
to external resistive-type sensors such as strain gages or resis-
tance temperature detectors (RTDs).
When BUF = 0, the part operates in unbuffered mode. This
results in a higher analog input current. Note that this unbuffered
input path provides a dynamic load to the driving source.
Therefore, resistor/capacitor combinations on the input pins
can cause gain errors, depending on the output impedance of
the source that is driving the ADC input.
Table 27 shows the
allowable external resistance/capacitance values for unbuffered
mode at a gain of 1 such that no gain error at the 20-bit level is
Table 27. External R-C Combination for No 20-Bit Gain Error
C (pF)
R (Ω)
1.4 k
The absolute input voltage range in buffered mode is restricted
to a range between AGND + 250 mV and AVDD 250 mV. Care
must be taken in setting up the common-mode voltage so that
these limits are not exceeded. Otherwise, linearity and noise
performance degrades.
The absolute input voltage in unbuffered mode includes the
range between AGND 50 mV and AVDD + 50 mV. The
negative absolute input voltage limit does allow the possibility
of monitoring small true bipolar signals with respect to AGND.
When the gain stage is enabled, the output from the buffer
is applied to the input of the PGA. The presence of the PGA
means that signals of small amplitude can be gained within the
AD7195 while still maintaining excellent noise performance.
For example, when the gain is set to 128, the rms noise is 8.5 nV,
typically, when the output data rate is 4.7 Hz, which is equivalent
to 23 bits of effective resolution or 20.5 bits of noise-free resolution.
The AD7195 can be programmed to have a gain of 1, 8, 16, 32,
64, and 128 using Bit G2 to Bit G0 in the configuration register.
Therefore, with an external 2.5 V reference, the unipolar ranges
are from 0 mV to 19.53 mV to 0 V to 2.5 V and the bipolar
ranges are from ±19.53 mV to ±2.5 V.
The analog input range must be limited to ±(AVDD 1.25 V)/gain
because the PGA requires some headroom. Therefore, if AVDD =
5 V, the maximum analog input that can be applied to the
AD7195 is 0 to 3.75 V/gain in unipolar mode or ±3.75 V/gain
in bipolar mode.
The ADC has a fully differential input capability for the refer-
ence channel. The common-mode range for these differential
inputs is from AGND to AVDD. The reference voltage REFIN
(REFIN(+) REFIN()) is AVDD nominal, but the AD7195
is functional with reference voltages from 1 V to AVDD. In
applications where the excitation (voltage or current) for the
transducer on the analog input also drives the reference voltage
for the part, the effect of the low frequency noise in the excita-
tion source is removed because the application is ratiometric. If
the AD7195 is used in a nonratiometric application, a low noise
reference should be used.
The reference input is unbuffered; therefore, excessive R-C
source impedances introduce gain errors. R-C values similar
to those in
Table 27 are recommended for the reference inputs.
Deriving the reference input voltage across an external resistor
means that the reference input sees significant external source
impedance. External decoupling on the REFINx pins is not
recommended in this type of circuit configuration. Conversely,
if large decoupling capacitors are used on the reference inputs,
there should be no resistors in series with the reference inputs.
Recommended 2.5 V reference voltage sources for the AD7195
These references tolerate decoupling capacitors on REFIN(+)
without introducing gain errors in the system.
Figure 19 shows the
recommended connections between the ADR421 and the AD7195.
Figure 19. ADR421 to AD7195 Connections
The AD7195 includes on-chip circuitry to detect whether the
part has a valid reference for conversions or calibrations. This
feature is enabled when the REFDET bit in the configuration
register is set to 1. If the voltage between the REFIN(+) and
REFIN() pins is between 0.3 V and 0.6 V, the AD7195 detects
that it no longer has a valid reference. In this case, the NOREF
bit of the status register is set to 1. If the AD7195 is performing
normal conversions and the NOREF bit becomes active, the
conversion result is all 1s.
Therefore, it is not necessary to continuously monitor the status
of the NOREF bit when performing conversions. It is only
necessary to verify its status if the conversion result read from
the ADC data register is all 1s. If the AD7195 is performing
either an offset or full-scale calibration and the NOREF bit
becomes active, the updating of the respective calibration