Development Support
EXTI—External Interrupt
This bit is set when the external interrupt is asserted. Results in debug mode entry if debug
mode is enabled and the corresponding enable bit is set.
ALI—Alignment Interrupt
This bit is set when the alignment interrupt is asserted. Results in debug mode entry if debug
mode is enabled and the corresponding enable bit is set.
PRI—Program Interrupt
This bit is set when the program interrupt is asserted. Results in debug mode entry if debug
mode is enabled and the corresponding enable bit is set.
FPUVI—Floating-Point Unavailable Interrupt
This bit is set when the floating-point unavailable interrupt is asserted. Results in debug
mode entry if debug mode is enabled and the corresponding enable bit is set.
DECI—Decrementer Interrupt
This bit is set when the decrementer interrupt is asserted. Results in debug mode entry if
debug mode is enabled and the corresponding enable bit is set.
Bits 11–12 and 15–16—Reserved
These bits are reserved and should be set to 0.
SYSI—System Call Interrupt
This bit is set when the system call interrupt is asserted. Results in debug mode entry if
debug mode is enabled and the corresponding enable bit is set.
TR—Trace Interrupt
This bit is set when in single-step mode or when in branch trace mode. Results in debug
mode entry if debug mode is enabled and the corresponding enable bit is set.
SEI—Implementation Dependent Software Emulation Interrupt
This bit is set when the floating-point assist interrupt is asserted. Results in debug mode
entry if debug mode is enabled and the corresponding enable bit is set.
ITLBMS—Implementation Specific Instruction TLB Miss
This bit is set as a result of an instruction TLB miss. Results in debug mode entry if debug
mode is enabled and the corresponding enable bit is set.
ITLBER—Implementation Specific Instruction TLB Error
This bit is set as a result of an instruction TLB error. Results in debug mode entry if debug
mode is enabled and the corresponding enable bit is set.
DTLBMS—Implementation Specific Data TLB Miss
This bit is set as a result of an data TLB miss. Results in debug mode entry if debug mode
is enabled and the corresponding enable bit is set.