Preliminary Revision 0.8
October 29, 1999
Function 4 Regs - Power Management, SMBus and HWM
Offset 58
GP2 / GP3 Timer Control ............................. RW
GP3 Timer Start
On setting this bit to 1, the GP3 timer loads the value
defined by Rx5A and starts counting down. The GP3
timer is reloaded at the occurrence of certain events
enabled in the GP Timer Reload Enable Register
(Power Management I/O Space Offset 38h). If no
such event occurs and the GP3 timer counts down to
zero, then the GP3 Timer Timeout Status bit is set to
one (bit-13 of the Global Status register at Power
Management Register I/O Space Offset 28h).
Additionally, if the GP3 Timer Timeout Enable bit is
set (bit-13 of the Global Enable register at Power
Management Register I/O Space Offset 2Ah), then an
SMI is generated.
GP3 Timer Automatic Reload
GP3 Timer stops at 0 .............................default
Reload GP3 timer automatically after counting
down to 0
GP3 Timer Tick Select
00 Disable ...................................................default
01 1/4 millisecond
10 1 second
11 1 minute
GP2 Timer Start
On setting this bit to 1, the GP2 timer loads the value
defined by Rx59 and starts counting down. The GP2
timer is reloaded at the occurrence of certain events
enabled in the GP Timer Reload Enable Register
(Power Management I/O Space Offset 38h). If no
such event occurs and the GP2 timer counts down to
zero, then the GP2 Timer Timeout Status bit is set to
one (bit-12 of the Global Status register at Power
Management Register I/O Space Offset 28h).
Additionally, if the GP2 Timer Timeout Enable bit is
set (bit-12 of the Global Enable register at Power
Management Register I/O Space Offset 2Ah), then an
SMI is generated.
GP2 Timer Automatic Reload
GP2 Timer stops at 0 .............................default
Reload GP2 timer automatically after counting
down to 0
GP2 Timer Tick Select
00 Disable ...................................................default
01 1/16 second
10 1 second
11 1 minute
Offset 59
GP2 Timer ..................................................... RW
Write: GP2 Timer Load Value
...............default = 0
Read: GP2 Timer Current Count
Offset 5A
GP3 Timer .................................................... RW
Write: GP3 Timer Load Value
...............default = 0
Read: GP3 Timer Current Count