Serial Scan Interface (SSI) (Continued)
bits. This will assure that the desired bits will be accurately
shifted to the boundary scan chain. For example, moving
the TAP controllers within the boundary scan chain con-
nected to TMS0 from the Pause-DR state to the Run-Test/
Idle state requires a 3-bit (110) sequence on TMS0. To pro-
vide correct 3-bit sequence on TMS0, the partial byte
would be written to the TMS0 shifter/buffer as:
A subsequent enable and load of CNT32 with decimal 3
and enable of the TMS0 shifter/buffer will initialize the shift
operation. Terminal count on CNT32 will complete the shift
operation. Since terminal count on CNT32 will cause the
register selection to change within the shifter/buffer, the
values labeled as “x” will not be used and are treated as
“don't cares”.
The TDI Shifter/Buffer block diagram is shown in Figure 13.
This block shifts in serial data from the TDI port and puts it
in parallel form for read operations at the PPI. During nor-
mal shift modes, double-buffering is achieved by configur-
ing the shifter/buffer as a 2 x 8 FIFO. This block can also
be configured as a 16-bit Serial Signature Compactor
(SSC). Write, read, and shift operations are controlled by a
local state machine that accepts stimulus from the PPI,
Mode Registers, CNT32 and the TCK Control section. The
TDI input always shifts in data on the rising edge of SCK.
The order of shifting is least significant bit first. The TDI
input includes a pull-up resistor to force a logic 1 when the
test data signal returning from the scan chain is floating.
Read operations are completed if the shifter/buffer is not
empty and SSC mode is not enabled. Otherwise they are
ignored. Write operations are only possible while in SSC
mode. Otherwise they are ignored.
Shifting occurs when the following conditions are all true:
TDI is enabled with its respective mode bit.
TDI shifter/buffer is not full.
TCK is enabled according to the logic in TCK Control.
Local select circuitry is used to toggle back and forth
between the two registers of the “FIFO” when shifting. At
any given time, one register is selected for shift operations.
The other holds its previous state or can accept new serial
data. Shift register selection changes due to the following
two events:
CNT3 in TCK Control signals that 8 bits have been
shifted in. This event is used for basic toggling between
each of the two shift registers.
CNT32 enabled and at terminal count. This event is
used to account for scan lengths which are not multiples
of eight. When shift register selection changes due to
this signal, a partial byte (i.e., byte with
< eight valid data
bits shifted from the scan chain) will exist in the corre-
sponding shift register. The embedded test software
functions written to support the evaluation of data read
from the TDI shifter/buffer must consider bit placement
when reading and evaluating a partial byte.
BUFFER. Data is shifted from the scan chain into each TDI
register from most significant bit to least significant bit.
Consequently, the valid (i.e., meaningful) bits in a partial
byte shifted into a TDI register will reside in the upper sig-
nificant bit locations. For example, if a scan operation
involves shifting and evaluating 53 bits returning to TDI,
TDI shifter/buffer must be read 7 times (i.e., 6 full bytes
plus a partial byte containing 5 meaningful bits). If the last 5
bits shifted back to the TDI shifter/buffer are 11010, then
upon completion of the shift operation (i.e., terminal count
on CNT32), the shift register within the TDI shifter/buffer
will contain the following partial byte:
Following a read of a partial byte, the embedded test soft-
ware must adjust the position of the valid bits read from the
TDI shifter/buffer or the position of the expected data to
assure that an accurate comparison is made (and the non-
meaningful bits are masked).