3.3 RAM
The RAM is a data memory for storing various kinds of data, and has a capacity of 1,024 words
× 4 bits.
The RAM area is assigned to addresses 0000H to 03FFH on the data memory map. Addresses 0100H to
01FFH are 4-bit/16-bit data accessible areas and in other areas it is only possible to access 4-bit data.
When programming, keep the following points in mind.
(1) Part of the RAM area is used as a stack area for subroutine call and register evacuation, so pay
attention not to overlap the data area and stack area.
(2) The S1C63000 core CPU handles the stack using the stack pointer for 4-bit data (SP2) and the stack
pointer for 16-bit data (SP1).
16-bit data are accessed in stack handling by SP1, therefore, this stack area should be allocated to the
area where 4-bit/16-bit access is possible (0100H to 01FFH). The stack pointers SP1 and SP2 change
cyclically within their respective range: the range of SP1 is 0000H to 03FFH and the range of SP2 is
0000H to 00FFH. Therefore, pay attention to the SP1 value because it may be set to 0200H or more
exceeding the 4-bit/16-bit accessible range in the S1C63406/408 or it may be set to 00FFH or less.
Memory accesses except for stack operations by SP1 are 4-bit data access.
After initial reset, all the interrupts including NMI are masked until both the stack pointers SP1 and
SP2 are set by software. Further, if either SP1 or SP2 is re-set when both are set already, the interrupts
including NMI are masked again until the other is re-set. Therefore, the settings of SP1 and SP2 must
be done as a pair.
(3) Subroutine calls use 4 words (for PC evacuation) in the stack area for 16-bit data (SP1). Interrupts use
4 words (for PC evacuation) in the stack area for 16-bit data (SP1) and 1 word (for F register evacua-
tion) in the stack area for 4-bit data.
4 bits
4-bit access area
(SP2 stack area)
4-bit access area
(Data area)
4/16-bit access area
(SP1 stack area)
Fig. 3.3.1 Configuration of data RAM
3.4 Data ROM
The data ROM is a mask ROM for loading various static data such as a character generator, and the data
can be read using the same data memory access instructions as the RAM.
The S1C63406 has a built-in 3,072 words
× 4 bits of data ROM and it is assigned to addresses 8000H to
8BFFH on the data memory map.
The S1C63408 has a built-in 4,096 words
× 4 bits of data ROM and it is assigned to addresses 8000H to
8FFFH on the data memory map.