5.2 Summary of Notes by Function
Here, the cautionary notes are summed up by function category. Keep these notes well in mind when
Memory is not mounted in unused area within the memory map and in memory area not indicated in
this manual. For this reason, normal operation cannot be assured for programs that have been pre-
pared with access to these areas.
Watchdog timer
When the watchdog timer is being used, the software must reset it within 3-second cycles, and timer
data (WD0–WD2) cannot be used for timer applications.
Oscillation circuit (OSC60A13)
(1) It takes at least 5 msec from the time the OSC3 oscillation circuit goes ON until the oscillation stabi-
lizes. Consequently, when switching the CPU operation clock from OSC1 to OSC3, do this after a
minimum of 5 msec have elapsed since the OSC3 oscillation went ON.
Further, the oscillation stabilization time varies depending on the external oscillator characteristics
and conditions of use, so allow ample margin when setting the wait time.
(2) When switching the clock form OSC3 to OSC1, use a separate instruction for switching the OSC3
oscillation OFF. An error in the CPU operation can result if this processing is performed at the same
time by the one instruction.
Input port
(1) When input ports are changed from high to low by pull-down resistance, the fall of the waveform is
delayed on account of the time constant of the pull-down resistance and input gate capacitance.
Hence, when fetching input ports, set an appropriate wait time.
Particular care needs to be taken of the key scan during key matrix configuration. Aim for a wait time
of about 1 msec.
(2) When "Use" is selected with the noise rejector mask option, a maximum delay of 1 msec occurs from
time the interrupt conditions are established until the interrupt factor flag (IK) is set to "1" (until the
interrupt is actually generated). Hence, pay attention to the timing when reading out (resetting) the
interrupt factor flag. For example, when performing a key scan with the key matrix, the key scan
changes the input status to set the interrupt factor flag, so it has to be read out to reset it. However, if
the interrupt factor flag is read out immediately after key scanning, the delay will cause the flag to be
set after read-out, so that it will not be reset.
(3) Input interrupt programing related precautions
Port K input
Factor flag set Not set
Factor flag set
Input comparison
Mask register
Active status
Rising edge interrupt
Falling edge interrupt
When the content of the mask register is rewritten while the port K input is in the active status, the
input interrupt factor flags are set at and , being the interrupt due to the falling edge and
the interrupt due to the rising edge.
Fig. 5.2.1 Input interrupt timing